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A Restricted View on the Construction of "Translative Format in Chinese" of Western Learning Term "Logic" from the Perspective of the Translation Change of Western Term "Logic" in Chinese since the Late Ming Dynasty
作者 錢爽
The Western term "logic" was introduced eastward to China since the late Ming Dynasty, which started the process of Chinese translation change of the foreign word "logic". From the late Ming Dynasty to the late Qing, the evolution of "logic" from the transliteration to the paraphrases was successively appeared. However, they either had little effect to the popularization and generalization, or generated a certain influence but not long at that time, while the translated names "lunli" and "lunlixue" in Chinese, of which the character patterns were wholesale taken from the translated names "ronri" and "ronri gaku" in Japanese created by Japanese scholars, as well as the pronunciations from Chinese characters, were popularized and had a widespread influence on modern Chinese scholars in modern China before and after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 due to the ingenious integration of transliteration and paraphrasis of "ronri" and "ronri gaku", together with modern Chinese scholars' complex mentality of the worship and imitation of Japan, as well as the pursuit of convenience. However, the Chinese created a new translated name "luoji" in Chinese all by themselves, after which it obtained a greater degree of identity, popularization and generalization in modern Chinese academia. For this reason, the translated names "lunli" and "lunlixue", derived from Japan in shape and fashionable at one time during modern China, were gradually abandoned, while in the end, "luoji" and "luojixue" in Chinese became the definitely determined name in Chinese translation. According to this, a translative format of Western term "logic" in Chinese can be constructed by nine translation formats composed by three kinds of translators (Westerners, Japanese and Chinese) and that of translation methods (methods of transliteration, paraphrases and the synthetic method), which can answer Germany Sinologue Joachim Kurtz's confusion and lead to advocate a optimal format of Chinese translation of Western term "logic".
起訖頁 185-216
關鍵詞 logic音譯意譯合譯(音意譯相合)華譯格式logictransliterationparaphrasissynthesization (a synthetic method integrating transliteration with paraphrases in terms of translation)Format of Chinese Translation
刊名 廣譯:語言、文學、與文化翻譯  
期數 201509 (12期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外國語文學院翻譯與跨文化研究中心(原:政治大學外國語文學院翻譯中心)
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