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Chaste Wife of Hu Described in the Yuan Poetry
作者 李嘉瑜
This study explored the story of Chaste Wife of Hu in Yuan Poetry that killed a tiger to save her husband, which occurred in northern China before the Mongol conquest the Song dynasty. The incident was recorded in the national history as an exemplary story. It is worth noting that this story was echoed across the region and time in the whole Yuan Dynasty. Out of the poetry and prose, some painters continue to transform the story into images, which have become popular painting themes at that time, and the features of both art forms bespeaks the significance of this story. Stories of such exemplary women were common in the Yuan dynasty, but only Chaste Wife of Hu’s story received considerable attention. This phenomenon is worthy of exploration. This study focused on the dissemination and development of the topic in the Yuan dynasty and explored how this particular story became a popular subject of literary works and paintings, especially in the absence of promotion by poetry societies and clubs. This study also discussed the image of Chaste Wife of Hu in Yuan Poetry and the writing characteristics associated with it. By analyzing these issues, this study aimed to provide a more profound observation on the portrayal of Chaste Wife of Hu in Yuan poetry.
起訖頁 39-70
關鍵詞 元詩女英雄胡烈婦殺虎救夫刺虎救夫圖列女書寫Yuan poetryHeroineChaste Wife of Hu Kills a Tiger to Save her HusbandPainting of stabbing a tiger to save the husbandPortrayal of exemplary women
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202212 (79期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《左傳》、《國語》「職」與「職貢」析論
該期刊-下一篇 古流與新泉的交會──《字彙》引石鼓文考




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