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The Confluence of the Old Stream and the New Spring--A Textual Research on Quoting Stone Drums in Zi Hui
作者 高佑仁
梅膺祚《字彙》將《說文》540 部首簡化為 214 部,部首次序及各部所轄之字,均依筆畫多寡排列,改革過去辭書不便檢索之弊,具有開創性的貢獻。石鼓文為北京故宮博物館的鎮館之寶,初唐於天興縣出土後,著名詩人李白、杜甫、韓愈、韋應物等都曾撰文歌頌,歷代研究不輟,在漫長的中國歷史中,石鼓文可說是學術影響力最為深遠的一件出土文獻。梅膺祚的《字彙》是第一本正式採錄石鼓文字的大型字典,這標誌石鼓文的影響力由專業的古文字學研究,逐漸走入市民大眾。《字彙》相關研究已汗牛充棟,但關於該書引用石鼓文情況迄今仍未有專文討論。本文詳細統計《字彙》引用石鼓文的次數,回覈石鼓文拓本,對《字彙》意見進行校釋,並藉以探討收字問題,以及對後世大型字典的編纂之啟發。
Mei Ying Zuo’s Zi Hui simplified the 540 indexing components of Shuo Wen into 214. The order of the indexing components and the characters contained in each radical are arranged according to the number of strokes. It has made a pioneering contribution to reforming the shortcomings of inconvenient retrieval of dictionaries. Script of Stone Drum as the treasure of the Palace Museum in Beijing, since it was unearthed in Tian Xing County in the early Tang Dynasty, famous poets have written and praised it. Zi Hui is the first largescale dictionary to officially record the stone drum characters, which indicates that the influence of stone drum characters gradually entered the public from the professional study of ancient characters. The research on Zi Hui has been exhausted, but so far there has been nothing special discussion about the quotation of Stone Drums in the book. This article makes a detailed statistics of Stone Drums that quoted in Zi Hui, checks the rubbings of Stone Drums, explains the opinions of Zi Hui, and explores its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the inspiration for the compilation of large-scale dictionaries in future.
起訖頁 71-108
關鍵詞 《字彙》石鼓文異體字楷定Zi HuiScript of Stone DrumVariant forms of Chinese charactersKaiding
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202212 (79期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 元詩中的胡烈婦書寫
該期刊-下一篇 九州龜門《春秋左傳》學之解經立場、方法與定位──以其考辨《左傳‧隱公》杜註為例




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