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臺北教育大學語文集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Beleaguered Narratives: Atayal Llyung Peynux Tali Kagi’s Narratives of the Battle Against the Barrier Defense Lines
1990年代,泰雅族達利.卡給(Tali Kagi,1932-?,柯正信),以日文撰寫的《高砂王國》,由外甥游霸士.撓給赫(Yubas Naogih,1943-2003,田敏忠)於2002年中譯後出版。這是北勢群首次以族人觀點,揭露八社從清末到日治初期的生活概況,其中詳述抗日戰爭與被迫編入現代國家體制的適應過程尤具價值。目前日文原稿已不存在,只能以譯本進行研究。本文以《高砂王國》中1910至1920年代泰雅族北勢群的抗日記憶為分析對象。首先,觀察達利如何自覺地保存部族史事,維持原住民族集體傳述歷史的傳統。其次,從時間、空間、事件、訊息來源、頭目家族後嗣等敘事特徵,分析本書的歷史話語及價值。第三,以書中的抗日篇章為焦點,觀察達利與族人記憶所繫之處及敘述模式,歸納本書如何以北勢八社反抗隘勇線的戰鬥為記述高峰。最後,根據作者記憶的空間與視野的限制,總結指出1910年代大安溪沿岸快速蔓延的隘勇線火網,不只圍困了歷史中的北勢群,也圍困了族人在後殖民時期的集體記憶與地方感建構。
In the 1990s, Kingdom of Takasago, written by Atayal Tali Kagi (1932-?, Ke Zheng-xin) was translated into Chinese by his nephew Yubas Naogih (1943-2003, Tian Min-zhong) and published in 2002. This is the first book llyung Peynux under the perspective of its clansman that exposed the living conditions of the eight tribes from the end of Qing Dynasty to the early period of Japanese Colonial Rule. Today, the original Japanese copy has gone. Thus, the study can only be done through the Chinese translation version. This paper analyzes Atayal llyung Peynux’s memories regarding the resistance against Japan during 1910 and 1920 described in Kingdom of Takasago. First, this paper examines how Tali self-consciously preserved the historical events of the tribe and maintained the indigenous people’s tradition of retelling history collectively. Second, this paper scrutinizes the historical discourse and value in this book through the narrative characteristics in time, space, incidents, sources of information, and the offsprings of the chieftain family. Third, this paper focuses on the chapters regarding the resistance against Japan in this book, examines the connection of Tali and his clansman’s memories and narrative modes and sums up how this book reaches the climax of its narrative in the battle of llyung Peynux’s eight tribes against the Barrier of Defense Lines. Finally, in accordance with the author’s limits in the space and vision of memory, this paper conclusively points out that the fire net constructed by the Barrier of Defense Lines rapidly spreading along Daan River in the 1910s beleaguered not only llyung Peynuxin history, but also the modality of the clansman’s collective memory in the postcolonial period and their sense of place.
起訖頁 157-191
關鍵詞 游霸士.撓給赫高砂王國隘勇線戰爭集體記憶Yubas NaogihKingdom of TakasagoBattle against the Barrier of Defense Linescollective memory
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202212 (42期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 「片語可抵經文全」――試析孫星衍《尚書今古文注疏》對石刻文獻的運用
該期刊-下一篇 周金波〈志願兵〉譯文探析:文化翻譯的視角




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