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An Analysis of Chinese Translation on Shu Kin-Pa’s“Shiganhei”: From the Perspective on Cultural Translation
作者 木山元彰
As Shu Kin-Pa’s novel 'Shiganhei' (1941) depicts the Japanization of Taiwan during World War II, the work has been positioned as 'imperialist literature,' and become a taboo for a long time after the war. Although there have been discussions from the perspective on identity in the last 30 years, studies are still few. None of research papers go beyond the debate on Japanization of the work and the writer. In 2002, the Chinese version was translated by Zhou Zhenying, Shu’s eldest son. Though related studies since then mainly cited this translation, some researchers have revised it, which implies the questionable accuracy of the Chinese version. In this regard, this paper raises two questions: are the lack of research on 'Shiganhei' and the lack of perspectives due to not so much the contents as the reading gap caused by double translation? Secondly, in view of the quality of Chinese translation, in addition to the discussion of techniques, this paper also cites several concepts of cultural translation to re-clarify how one makes the judgment that considers the Chinese version a translation expecting further improvement and discusses the questions of nationalism and modernity involved.
起訖頁 193-227
關鍵詞 周金波〈志願兵〉皇民文學《周金波集》文化翻譯Shu Kin-Pa“Shiganhei,”imperialist literatureAnthology of Tsiu Kim-phocultural translation
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202212 (42期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 被圍困的敘事:泰雅族北勢群達利.卡給的隘勇線戰爭敘事
該期刊-下一篇 左翼烏托邦――劉大任「保釣文學」研究




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