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“Few Words Written in Stone Can Match Up to the Entire Classics”: A Discussion on the Application of Stone Inscriptions in Sun Xing yan’s Shang Shu
作者 宮瑞龍
Sun Xing-Yan was a well-known epigrapher in Qian-Jia period of Qing Dynasty. His commentary on the classics, Shang-Shu Jin-Gu-Wen Zhu-Shu, often cited stone inscriptions as evidence, which few people pay attention to. This article focuses on the stone inscriptions in this book, sorts out Sun’s search and collection of the rubbings, including related interpersonal relationships, and summarizes the ways Sun quoted different stone inscriptions. Then I point out that Sun collated the scriptures with Tang Shi-Jing, marked and clarified the different texts of Han and Wei Shi-Jing, and made inferences from them, while he simply cited other Qin and Han inscriptions as collateral evidences. These all reflect Sun’s awareness of restoring the original appearance of Shang-shu scriptures and distinguishing the significance of different materials. However, comparing Sun's Fan-Li (explanatory notes)with specific interpretive practices, especially in the division of Jin-Wen-Jing(modern style scripture) and Gu-Wen-Jing (classical style scripture) and the norm of reference citation, Fan-Li is too ideal to be obeyed all the time, which is the flaw of Sun’s book.
起訖頁 107-156
關鍵詞 孫星衍《尚書今古文注疏》石刻文獻黃易石經Sun Xing-YanShang-Shu Jin-Gu-Wen Zhu-ShuStone InscriptionsHuang YiStone Cla ssics(Shi-Jing)
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202212 (42期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 陳夢林諸羅書寫的文化建構――以檨圃、北香湖與玉山三景為研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 被圍困的敘事:泰雅族北勢群達利.卡給的隘勇線戰爭敘事




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