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Reflective of drug using group from Bion's basic assumption - case of Taoyuan Women's Prison
作者 張愷玲陳孟龍
本研究嘗試以精神分析觀點思考過往所帶領的毒品成癮團體,又以Bion的基本假設團體觀點為主,成員在團體中展現的特有的心智結構現象。帶領者在團體設計中,從半結構性走向無結構性團體,篩選在工場中,容易違規的收容人,更加彰顯這些對「結構、體制」容易焦慮。團體歷程中確實也呈現出Bion所說基本假設團體的(basic assumption)「依賴(dependence)」、「戰或逃(fight or flight)」或「配對(pairing)」的現象。此研究主要以團體結束後的回憶稿為文本,將這十二次的回憶搞進行分析。研究者彙整出團體如何解決問題的歷程;成員表現出擺盪於自我功能(ego function)的退化,對外在環境與內在客體的攻擊;團體結構的變動、集體的逃離與環境的切割;成員的被驅逐與團體失去心智思考能力等,團體歷程變化的論述與詮釋。在最後的討論與建議中,研究者對於同時身為多重的角色;成員在團體中身體化的行為與帶領者的共演;以及回歸對於「結構」的觀點進行討論。
This study attempts to use the perspective of Bion's basic assumption in psychoanalysis, to re-examine the drug abuse group of this unique mental structure that the leader used to lead. Researchers design group from semi-structured to unstructured, screening those who are likely to violate the rules into the workplace, and to show that they are prone to anxiety about the 'structure and rule'. Therefore the researchers expect members to show the phenomenon of 'the dependence', 'the fight or the flight' or 'the pairing' in the basic assumption group during the group process. After the end of each 12 group sessions, researchers wrote group memoir which used thematic analysis. The researchers gathered this memoir to interpret this process change like: how the group solve the problems; members' ego function swing between attacking external objects and inner self; changing in the group structure, collective escapes and division of the environment; expulsion of members and loss of mental thinking ability of the group, etc. In the final discussions and recommendations, the multiple roles of the researcher in the community; the leader enactments that the acting out of the member's embodied behavior in the group; returning to the 'structure' perspective.
起訖頁 57-85
關鍵詞 毒品成癮團體基本假設團體依賴戰或逃配對drug abuse groupbasic assumptiondependencefight or flightpairing
刊名 矯政  
期數 202301 (12:1期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-上一篇 藥癮者家屬支持團體歷程分析
該期刊-下一篇 少年矯正教育師資員工培訓之二十堂課芻議




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