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Promoting the Core Competencies of Autonomous Action through Problem-Based Learning Applied to the Global Social-Environmental Issues of Geography Course
作者 莊宗達
因應 12 年國教以培養學生核心素養為目標,地理教師如何透過適當的學習方法,讓學生得以從地理學科的學習歷程中,達到核心素養的培養,是 12 年國教核心素養學習重要的一環。因此本研究旨於提出有助於「規劃執行與創新應變」素養學習的學習方法,本研究為檢證學習方法的學習成效,採用準實驗研究法,以高中二年級學生為研究對象,在教學過程中使用學習態度量表、素養導向試題評量、實作評量等工具來進行資料蒐集與分析。
To implement the goal of nourishing students’ core competencies in 12-Year Basic Education, geography teachers need to figure out how to apply an appropriate learning method to students so that students can develop the core competencies when learning geography.
Therefore, this study proposed a learning method of the “Planning, Execution, Innovation, and Adaptation” competency. A quasi-experimental method was adopted in this study to examine senior high school sophomore students’ learning outcomes. The research tools such as learning attitude scales, competency-driven tests, and performance evaluation were applied during the teaching and learning period for data collecting and analysis.
The result indicated that problem-based learning with the chapter “Global Social- Environmental Issues” in geography as the problem contexts could be an example of learning the “Planning, Execution, Innovation, and Adaptation” competency. Besides, applying this learning method can help increase students’ learning outcomes, but it only has a modest effect on students’ development of the “Planning, Execution, Innovation, and Adaptation” competency. The study argued that the reason for the limited effect is related to the differences in students' autonomous learning ability and learning attitude.
起訖頁 155-180
關鍵詞 問題導向學習法素養導向教學problem-based learningcompetency-based instruction
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202205 (75期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 探究學習在地理課程的初探──以地形系統為例




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