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A Preliminary study of Inquiry-based Learning in Geography Curriculum—Taking Topography System as an Example
作者 張淑惠 (Shu-hui Chang)洪承鈞
新課綱的素養如何落實在學科的教與學?學習表現的「態度與價值觀」呼應的 C1 社會參與的核心素養,又如何透過適切的教學設計落實?基此,本研究以普通型高中(以下簡稱普高)部定必修地理課程中的「地形系統」單元為個案,以探究學習嘗試在課綱條目「問題探究:地形與人類活動」的提問設計下,將學習表現的三個構面導入,並以兩種不同的教學法,包括設計探究學習的實驗組和直接教學法的對照組,將高一兩個班學生的學習評量作比較,試著回答本研究的提問。
How to implement quality measures of the new curriculum in the teaching and learning of the subject? How can the core competence of C1 social participation echoed by the “attitudes and values” of learning performance through appropriate teaching design be implemented? Based on this, this study focused on the “Topography Systems” unit in the compulsory geography courses of general high schools as a case. Under the questioning design: importing three dimensions of Learning Performance, and two different teaching methods are adopted, including the experimental group designed for the exploratory learning method and the control group of the direct teaching method. Two classes in the first year of high school were used to compare the learning assessments of students in each class and in order to answer the questions of this study.
The research results show that through inquiry-based learning in geography courses, the awareness of environmental disasters and the steps to solve them can be enhanced. Students whose attitudes and values of environmental ethics are in inquiry-based learning can better realize their importance and reflect on them. Inquiry-based learning can be used in small groups to understand the views of different people, learn how to find information, and work in small groups to cooperate with each other. However, students, who did not experience good examples of group work, learning experiences or group cooperation activity, saw a reduction in the effectiveness of learning. Though, most of the students still had a positive evaluation of environmental ethics and values.
起訖頁 133-154
關鍵詞 地形系統態度與價值觀核心素養探究學習法Topography systemattitudes and valuescore competenceinquiry-based learning
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202205 (75期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 培養問題意識的學習方法:探究與實作的行動研究
該期刊-下一篇 培育自主行動素養學習之研究:以社會環境議題能源議題單元為例




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