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Analysis of Efficiency Optimization of Loading and Unloading Operations in Container Terminal - A Case Study of the Keelung Port East Container Terminal
作者 吳清慈蔡詠筌
目前在基隆港東8至東11營運碼頭裝卸業務,配合國家政策措施未來將規劃遷移至西岸北櫃場西22至西26碼頭營運,本研究基於此現況探討,東岸櫃場直線型碼頭之裝卸機具,移置西岸凸堤型碼頭對櫃場裝卸作業績效的影響。運用Flexsim CT港埠模擬軟體,建構櫃場碼頭模擬系統進行模擬分析,研擬八個方案進行分析,在船舶、櫃量、船席進出港時間、拖車數量及裝卸機具種類數量等相同條件下,碼頭型態、儲區配置方式、行駛動線、船席調派及拖車分派模式作為影響變數,而船席作業績效與儲區作業績效作為評估指標。研究結果顯示凸堤型碼頭裝卸作業績效在適當的碼頭長度、儲區配置及拖車統一調度方案設定下明顯優於直線型碼頭。
With the establishment of the Taipei Port and its commencement of operation as the auxiliary port for Keelung Port since 2009, it partly takes over the role of Keelung Port in cargo shipping. As a result, in the near future, West Terminals 22 to 26 at the north container yard will replace East Terminals 8 to 11 as the loading yards in the Keelung Port. This research is to discuss the impact of the above-mentioned relocation of container operation in the East Coast container yard with a linear quay to a convex pier in the West Coast container yard on their container yard's loading and unloading operations performance by utilizing Flexsim CT port simulation software to construct possible container yard systems for further analysis. In this research, eight plans are selected from the simulation results. Berth operation performance and storage area operation performance are evaluated with the scenario of various number and types of ships, container volume, berthing and unberthing, available trailers, and loading/unloading equipment are used as fixed variables, and terminal types, storage area configuration methods, truck routes, adjustment of berth, trailer dispatching are used as influencing variables. The result shows the loading/unloading performance of the convex pier is significantly better than that of the linear quay if appropriate pier length, storage area configuration and unified dispatching plan for trailer are provided.
起訖頁 53-77
關鍵詞 貨櫃碼頭模擬系統裝卸效率Container terminalSimulation systemHandling efficiency
刊名 航運季刊  
期數 202012 (29:4期)
出版單位 中華民國航運學會
該期刊-上一篇 海巡署巡防艇艇長關鍵職能指標建構之研究
該期刊-下一篇 港口優惠費率吸引綠色船舶靠泊──以高雄港為例




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