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A Study on Constructing Key Competency Indicators for Coxswain of Coast Guard Patrol Ships
作者 許少驊姜俊全張揚祺李孟璁
This study constructs the key competency indicators of coast guard patrol ship coxswains by using literature reviews and the modified Delphi technique. Via the results of the DANP analysis, "team management" is the foremost important dimension and is influenced by "expertise structure"."Teamwork"", experience accumulation and inheritance", "lifesaving and rescue skills", and "service deployment and assignment" are important indicators, and each of them is the top weighted indicator of each dimension. "Service deployment and assignment" is influenced by" leadership and capabilities of communication, coordination, and integration"". Lifesaving and rescue skills" is influenced by" seamanship and marine engineering"", capabilities of maritime law enforcement and criminal investigation", and "operation and utilization of navigational instruments". In conclusion, according to the research findings and coxswains, practical tasks, the key competency indicators of the Taiwan Coast Guard patrol ships coxswains include " professional knowledge"", professional skills" ", team management", and " workplace attitude" which all can be employed to execute coxswains, maritime patrol missions effectively and help them achieve their key strategic objectives and improve their overall performance effectively.
起訖頁 27-52
關鍵詞 巡防艇艇長關鍵職能決策實驗室分析基礎之網路層級分析法(DANP)Coxswain of Coast Guard Patrol shipskey competencyDANP
刊名 航運季刊  
期數 202012 (29:4期)
出版單位 中華民國航運學會
該期刊-上一篇 布袋港觀光交通旅遊設施重要性與滿意度之調查
該期刊-下一篇 貨櫃碼頭裝卸效率最佳化分析──以基隆港東岸櫃場為例




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