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An Evaluation of a Positive Intervention for Female Inmates
作者 朱群芳陳星宜謝沛怡陳昕榆鄭渝儒
近年正向處遇課程(如:正向心理學與正念)為矯正機關提供一種新途徑,有研究顯示將其應用於毒品處遇顯示正向的結果。而台灣近十年之女性受刑人以毒品罪為大宗,因此,本研究針對女性受刑人實施正向處遇,以評估處遇之成效。本研究採取準實驗(quasi-experimental)的介入設計(intervention design),研究參與者為台灣某女子監獄的女性受刑人,包括參與處遇之61位實驗組學員及60位具對照特質的同監所女性受刑人。以獨立樣本t檢定分析實驗組與控制組的後測與追蹤分數,結果顯示,後測時,實驗組在「正念態度」、「監所處遇參與度」的分數顯著高於控制組。另外,追蹤時,實驗組在「監所處遇參與度」的分數顯著高於控制組,「知覺壓力」的分數則是顯著低於控制組。其餘的面向(樂觀、憂鬱、感恩、幸福感)雖無顯著差異,但無論是在後測或是追蹤,實驗組的分數表現均優於對照組。研究結果顯示此課程有助於降低女性受刑人的壓力,亦提升監所其他課程之參與度,並以正向的態度面對未來。本研究發現正向心理學與正念的要素實施於女性受刑人之可能性,建議監所未來可以納入相關處遇,並亟待未來有更多相關研究,以更具系統性及長時間的介入,檢視正向心理學元素及正念在女性受刑人處遇上的成效。
Positive intervention, such as psychology and mindfulness treatment, has provided a new pathway for correctional institutions in recent years. Studies have found that the application of positive intervention to substance abuse treatment has shown positive results. The majority of female inmates in Taiwan were drug offenders in the past ten years. Therefore, this study implemented positive intervention for female inmates and evaluated the effectiveness of the intervention. In the present study, it adopted a quasi-experimental, intervention design. Participants were drawn from female inmates in a female prison in Taiwan, which included 61 female inmates in the experimental group and 60 female inmates with matched characteristics in the control group. The results of the independent t test showed that experimental group's post-intervention scores in the dimensions of ''mindfulness'' and ''program engagement'' were significantly higher than the control group. In addition, experimental group's follow-up scores in the dimensions of ''program engagement'' were also significantly higher than the control group. Furthermore, the ''perceived stress'' of the inmates in the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group. Although there was no significant difference between post-intervention and follow-up in the dimensions of ''optimism'', ''depression'', ''gratitude'' and ''well-being'', the experimental group's scores were more positive than the control group. It suggests that this intervention is promising for female inmates in terms of reducing stress and increasing institutional engagement. Findings of the research imply that the components of positive psychology and mindfulness show potential and can be included in treatment programs for female inmates. Future studies with a large sample and longer treatment period are needed to continue to assess the effects of positive psychology and mindfulness on female inmates' recovery.
起訖頁 31-64
關鍵詞 女性受刑人正念正向心理學藥物濫用female inmatesmindfulnesspositive psychologysubstance abuse
刊名 矯政  
期數 202207 (11:2期)
出版單位 法務部矯正署
該期刊-上一篇 戒治時期藥癮者戒癮改變動機之影響因素探討
該期刊-下一篇 監護處分及其危險性預後──以德國法作為借鏡




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