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A Practical Research on the Application of Interdisciplinary Teaching Community and Blended Teaching / Learning Design to Improve the Outcomes of“Children and Adolescents Health Issues”Courses
作者 連心瑜 (Angela Shin-Yu Lien)蔡佳玲張賢宗
教學創新為目前高等教育深耕計畫之主軸,本計畫之目的是透過跨領域教師社群共備共授理念下重新打造於「兒童與青少年健康議題」課程;透過協助教師製作數位教材,合併面對面授課之混成式教學法作為教學創新依據。並應用複合式研究設計,透過質性研究深入訪談法及量性研究以Likert scale問卷來探討學生的學習成效與教師的教學成效,資料統計分析法來探討此教師與學生對此創新教學模式之成效。學生版與教師版問卷之Cronbach's alpha值分別為.977與.926,顯示量表題目間有一致性與良好之信度。共有31位學生選修本課程,與13位教師參與社群,共製作126個課程單元線上數位教材。量性研究成果在學生部分呈現數位教材的學習成效的平均分數為30.65±7.36分,混成式教學法平均也獲得42.32±9.42分,在創新課程學習收穫與自我成長平均總分為60.52±12.45分,總量表部分平均得分為133.48±27.85分,平均閱讀線上教材次數為5.16±4.14次,平均每單元閱讀時間為22.46±0.02分鐘。教師教學成效的量性研究結果上呈現數位教材的發展的感受部分平均獲得27.15±5.27分,參與教師社群對自我的成長部分平均獲得分數54.50±6.91分最高,而混成式教學法之教學成效部分平均得分26.54±3.76分也較高,由結果中可以發現教師社群是教師獲得教學成長的最重要因素。質性成果上學生反映,混成是教學法增加了他們的學習時間,但優勢卻是老師會提醒學生要去看線上數位教材作為輔助與補充教材以增加課堂上講述的不足,增加了學習成效。教師反應使用數位教材能提升課程認知、課程滿意度且對學生學習有幫助;而混成式教學法最能提升學生的學習興趣與知識優勢,使用數位教材能提升自我的教學能力;同時,教師們普遍認為成立教師社群效果最佳,包括能促進自我的專業成長、分享專業知能、提升教學價值感與教學成就感、增加合作性,提昇教學品質等項目。今年新冠肺炎疫情影響,本課程師生透過混成教學模式對師生來說也創造了一個雙贏的局面,使用混成式教學法促進自我教學創新也提升老師的教學成就感,也因此創新教學法提高了學生對課程的自主學習興趣與知識優勢。
The purpose of this practical research aims to construct an interdisciplinary teachers' community, integrated the multidisciplinary professional expertise to design and re-create the “The children and adolescent health issues”. The blended teaching / learning method combined with traditional face-to face in class teaching and digital material method has been designed as an innovative strategy for these classes. There are 31 students and 13 teachers involved in this course. In a total of 126 digital units has been created for self-learning online. By using mixed method design include qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The results show average reading times is 5.16 ± 4.14 for online digital material and spend 22.46 ± 0.02 mins online reading in each unit. The Cronbach's alpha value is .977 and .926 for the student's and teacher's outcome evaluation questionnaire, it shows consistency and good reliability among the scale items. Using digital material will increase the course satisfaction and learning ability for students. The blended method will increase the self-learning motivation and knowledge advantage. Joint the teachers' community will increase teaching ability, sense of value and achievement, cooperation, and good quality. After the world virus attack of Covid-19 during this year. We applied blended teaching / learning method create a win-win situation for both teachers and students.
起訖頁 73-88
關鍵詞 大學生教學成效評估混成式教學法跨領域教師社群複合式研究設計university studentsoutcome evaluationblended teaching / learning methodinterdisciplinary teaching communitymixed method design
刊名 長庚科技學刊  
期數 202206 (36期)
出版單位 長庚科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 暴露於懸浮微粒下最佳運動時間之選擇:先驅研究
該期刊-下一篇 互動閱讀模式,融入英語繪本教學在幼保專業之應用




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