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The Effect of Involvement and Place Attachment of Xitang Hanfu Festival on Travel Motivation and Behavioral Intention
作者 顏惠芸胡歆悅
National costume means a characteristic and representative costume in national culture, which represents a civilization. In the daily life of some ethnic minorities, people wear leisurely and comfortable clothing in most situations and occasions. But in other formal occasions such as festivals, national ceremonies, or religious activities, most people will dress in national costumes.The Hanfu as the object of this research is the traditional Chinese costume. It has disappeared for more than 300 years due to historical reasons. In 2002, the article 'The Lost Civilization-Han Nationality Costume' was published on the internet, which made thinking about Han nationality costume appears on the internet. Since then, the revival of Hanfu has moved from the Internet to reality. Wearing Hanfu in daily life has gradually formed a social boom. Many organizations and companies have also participated in this Hanfu innovation, and they have also organized activities related to Hanfu culture. The Xitang Hanfu Festival is the longest and largest of all events, and it has a huge impact on the industrial exchange and development of Hanfu.Based on the above, it can be found that festival activities have become a new wave to replace traditional tourism, which can not only drive culture, art and urban reconstruction, so this research takes the Xitang Hanfu Cultural Festival as a case study. The results of the research show that tourists’local dependence have a positive and significant impact on tourism motivation. At the same time, involvement has a positive and significant impact on behavioral intentions. The results of this study provide a reference for relevant industry owners and planners in designing local festival activities as well as for further research. Follow-up research that expands to investigate different ethnic groups and festival activities, discusses cultural emotion in more depth, considers internationalization of local styles, and studies market acceptance.
起訖頁 167-178
關鍵詞 漢服文化涉入地方依附旅遊動機行為意圖Hanfu CultureInvolvementLocal AttachmentTravel motivationBehavioral Intentions
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 202206 (10:1期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 歐洲工業遺產保護政策的經驗及對瀋陽的啟示
該期刊-下一篇 服務品質、旅客滿意度與行為意圖關聯性之研究──以北部地區民宿為例




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