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A Study on the Correlation between Service Quality, Passenger Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention-Taking the B&B in the Northern Region as an Example
作者 陳瑾芸李永恆詹美珍林寶財張純誠林京儀俞冠丞
Health and safety is the most important key in the post-pandemic era. The industry has improved its own services and business direction, and customized tourism has gradually emerged. The demand for hidden tourism has increased, and in-depth tourism will also become the mainstream. The epidemic has changed people's way of life and affected many industries, and tourism is one of them. The Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Communications has launched a national travel voucher to stimulate consumption and revitalize the all-round tourism industry. Various tourism and entertainment industries, travel industries, and accommodation operators have launched discounts to attract tourists. The requirements of passenger satisfaction are given special attention. Taiwan's tourism and leisure activities are gradually being valued by consumers. With the growth of the Chinese people's economic income, the expenditure on leisure has gradually increased, the quality of life has improved, the new thinking of life and the increase of leisure time, the Chinese people pay more attention to the living arrangements of the holiday. The promotion of tourism awareness is the hottest tourism topic at present. Therefore, how the homestay industry can provide passengers with higher service quality and improve the relationship between passenger satisfaction and behavioral intentions under the impact of the epidemic and in a highly competitive environment is the focus of this study. This research mainly explores the service quality and passenger satisfaction of homestays in the northern region, and explores the behavioral willingness of tourists to revisit and recommend in the future. After analysis, it is found that different demographic variables have some significant differences in the service quality, passenger satisfaction and behavioral intentions of homestays in the northern region. Service quality has a significant impact on passenger satisfaction. Passenger satisfaction has a significant impact on behavioral intentions. Service quality has a significant impact on behavioral intent. Among the service quality variables,“caring”has the highest degree of correlation. Therefore, homestay travelers in the northern region care most about the caring of homestay service personnel for travelers, and they can take the initiative to assist travelers when they encounter problems, and prioritize travelers’rights. The research results can be used as a reference for relevant business operators. How to sustainably operate the homestay business has always been a challenge for homestay business owners to face this fiercely competitive market. With the influence of late marriage, advanced age and low birthrate, the single economy has also become a consumer market. An important trend, whether it is consumption willingness, self-realization, and improvement of their quality of life, singles are more willing to invest more in consumption. In order to improve tourists' satisfaction with homestays, due to the intangibility of services, travelers will choose homestays based on recommendations from others and word of mouth, which will generate greater operational performance for their future development.
起訖頁 179-201
關鍵詞 北部地區民宿服務品質旅客滿意度行為意圖homestay in northern regionservice qualitypassenger satisfactionbehavioral intention
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 202206 (10:1期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 西塘漢服節的涉入與地方依附,對旅遊動機與行為意圖探討
該期刊-下一篇 以科技接受模式,探討消費者對日式迴轉壽司店之科技接受度




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