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高級日語聽力練習課程修課學生對於Kahoot!之意見(Students' Opinions of Kahoot! Used in the Advanced Japanese Listening Practice)
作者 陳文敏
I am using Kahoot! as a tool for classroom activities in Advanced Japanese Listening Practice. The main reasons are that Kahoot! is a better way to engage students in classroom activities than the traditional way of picking students to answer questions in class, and that Kahoot!'s result also allows the teacher to better grasp students' comprehension so that teacher can provide more appropriate explanations. This paper analyzes the questionnaires, which are students opinions, the pros and cons, of Kahoot!, conducted in 2018 and 2019, using the KJ method (Kawakita 1967). As a result, students became more active in participating in classroom activities when they used Kahoot!. Meanwhile, many insights were obtained to improve the teaching, such as improvement of the computer device/internet environment, devising practice questions, and explanations and instructions before answering. In the future, I would like to further devise classes, including classroom activities, by referring to previous studies and the results obtained in this paper.
起訖頁 71-100
關鍵詞 Kahoot!修課學生意見點名回答課堂活動參與Kahoot! 受講生の意見 指名 教室活動 参加 students' opinionspicking studentsclassroom activitiesparticipate
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 202112 (42期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 台灣日語學習者的日語長/短母音聽辨研究──音節位置、重音類型、半母音的影響(A Study of the Identification of Long and Short Vowels in Taiwanese Japanese Learners: the Effects of Syllable Position, Accent Types and w/o Semivowel)
該期刊-下一篇 培養地方感為目標之語言文化通識課程教學實踐:以USR計畫台日連結實踐場域為例(The teaching practice of general language and culture courses aimed at cultivating a sense of place: An Example of the USR project Taiwan and Japan practice field)




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