中文摘要 |
本研究旨在探討台灣日語學習者的長/短母音聽辨的問題。為了解台灣日語學習者在聽辨長/短母音時所產生的誤聽類型及影響聽辨的原因,以59位台灣日語學習者為受試者,進行長/短母音的聽辨實驗。實驗語以「とこ」、「こきょ」、「きょと」、「ときょ」、「こと」、「きょこ」等6組實驗語為基底,加上4種音節位置、2種重音類型、半母音的有無等三個條件,共組成48個實驗語。目的在闡明音節位置、重音類型、半母音的有無等三個條件,是否影響學習者對日語長/短母音聽辨的判斷。研究成果可歸納如下。(1)長母音誤聽與短母音誤聽之間並無顯著差異,顯示兩者之間在聽辨的難度上並無不同。(2)音節位置確實影響對長/短母音的聽辨。語末音節位置不利於長/短母音的聽辨。(3)重音類型只影響對語頭位置的長/短母音的聽辨。平板型的語頭長母音及頭高型的語頭短母音皆不利於長/短母音的聽辨。(4)半母音確實影響對長/短母音的聽辨,半母音的存在不利於長/短母音的聽辨。 Purpose of this study is to investigate the identification of long and short vowels in Taiwanese Japanese learners (TJL). In order to find out how TJL judge Japanese words with long vowels or not, an identification experiment was carried out in this study. 59 TJL were asked to judge whether long vowels contained in the following 6 words:''toko, kokyo, kyoto, tokyo, koto, kyoko'' and together with the factors composed of 4 syllable positions, 2 accent types and w/o semivowel, eventually 48 stimuli was tested. To probe the three factors in this study, which are syllable position, accent type and w/o semivowel, influence the identification vowel duration, the identification experiment of TJL was researched. The results are summarized as followings: (1) The difference between the identification of a long vowel and a short vowel was not significant. (2) Syllable position influenced the identification of long and short vowels, Vowel identification in word final position was more difficult. (3) Accent types influenced the identification of long and short vowels in the word initial position. In word initial position, vowel identification was more difficult in long vowel at the word accent labeled ''LH type'', and in short vowel at the word accent labeled ''HL type''. (4) Semivowel influenced the identification of long and short vowels. Vowel identification in the word contained a semivowel was more difficult. |