庄野潤三的代表作「游泳池畔的小景」被譽為「夫婦小說的集大成」。本論文透過性別的觀點探討作品的結構,得到以下的結論。「游泳池畔的小景」表面上雖是一部描寫結縭15年的一對夫妻的家庭日常的作品,但實際上卻是以丈夫盜用公款而遭公司解雇的家庭危機為契機,使妻子察覺夫妻關係早已空洞,並讓妻子在內心自我反省的作品。而且,作品的大部分都是透過敘事者將焦點聚焦在妻子身上來敘述的手法也應證了上述的意圖。此外,彷彿在追究「青木夫人」未扮演好妻子角色的敘事方式以及不把丈夫盜用公款一事視為問題的另一面,把妻子的角色與責任提出來批評的描寫方式在在顯示出本作品中存在著性別的不對稱。 Junzo Shono's ''Puurusaido Shoukei'' has been named as ''the collection of couple novel.'' This paper through the gender perspective discusses the structure of Junzo Shono's work and concludes below. On the surface, ''Puurusaido Shoukei'' is about daily life of a couple married to each other for 15 years but in fact, the novel starts from the family crisis when the husband became unemployed after appropriating company money that resulted in the discovery of wife about the cold and hollow relationship in their marriage through her inner reflection. But most of this work was narrated with a focus on the wife to prove the said attempt. Additionally, the description on the role of ''Mrs. Aoki'' as a way to criticize the wife instead focusing on the appropriation of company money by the husband indicates the existence of gender asymmetry in the work.