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The Term“Laborers”,“Workers”and“Self-employed Workers”in Occupational Safety and Health Act: Comment on the No.3227 Penal Judgment (2019) of Taiwan Highest Court
作者 吳哲毅
The definition of“labors”in Occupational Safety and Health Act is almost the same as the definition in Labor Standards Act, and both are found by the exist of subordinate relation by the courts. However, to clarify the application of Occupational Safety and Health Act, the No.3227 Penal Judgment (2019) of Taiwan Highest Court makes an emphasis on the purpose of statute. This essay points out that the criterion based on the purpose of statute in this judgement, is different with the criterion in the case regarding Labor Standards Act. After analysis from several aspects, this essay argues that although the difference between Occupational Safety and Health Act and Labor Standards Act makes the criterion based on the purpose of statute of Occupational Safety and Health Act convincing, after the amendment in 2013, the distinction shall the relationship between term“laborers”,“self-employed workers”and“workers”, which is analyzed by this essay.
起訖頁 47-72
關鍵詞 從屬性勞工自營作業者工作者相對性勞工概念subordinate relationdefinition of labordefinition of self-employed workerdefinition of workerrelative definition of labor
刊名 律師法學期刊  
期數 202112 (7期)
出版單位 臺北律師公會
該期刊-上一篇 釋憲新制──司法化、裁判化、法庭化之憲法訴訟
該期刊-下一篇 商事定暫時狀態處分與股東事前救濟




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