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The Judicial Reform on Institution of the Constitutional Interpretation by the Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan Judicialization, Judgement, Courtification
作者 蔡佩蓉
1. The full text of Constitutional Interpretation Procedure Act is only listed Article 35, which is insufficient to use due to the complexity of the petition cases. In order to make the Constitutional Interpretation by the Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan comply with the essence of Judicialization, the Constitutional Court Procedure Act was formulated to establish an open and transparent constitutional interpretation procedure and introduced constitutional complaints into the Judicial Reform. 2. The Justices of the Judicial Yuan comprise the Constitutional Court, which, in accordance with this Act, has jurisdiction in respect of the cases below: constitutionality of laws and constitutional complaints; disputes between constitutional organs; impeachment of the President and the Vice President; dissolution of unconstitutional political parties; local self-government; and uniform interpretation of statues and regulations. What’s more, it adopts Judicial, Court procedural. 3. The review of constitutional complaints is a special remedy. After exhaustion of all ordinary judicial remedies, any person who believes that a final court decision that finds against her or him or a legal provision applied in such a court decision contravenes the Constitution may lodge a petition with the Constitutional Court for a judgment declaring the decision or the impugned legal provision unconstitutional. 4. The Judicial Reform on Institution of the Constitutional Interpretation, e.g. After the Constitutional Court finds a petition admissible, the petition brief and the reply brief shall be published on the Court’s website. As required by the case, the Constitutional Court may, on its own motion or the party’s motion, summon the parties and the interested persons to appear in court to give their opinions. The Court may also solicit expert opinion or information on relevant issues from appointed experts, scholars, authorities or associations. A judgment shall indicate the names of the Justices taking part in its rendering, include their concurring and dissenting opinions, and identity the Justice who authors the opinion of the court. 5. Parties, advocates, and defense counsels may apply for reading, transcribing, photocopying, or photographing the documents included in the dossier, or request a duplicate copy thereof with fees paid in advance. Except otherwise provided in this Act, a judgment shall be rendered by a majority of the total number of the incumbent Justices of the Constitutional Court with a quorum of two-thirds of the total number of the incumbent Justices thereof taking part in the proceedings. Constitutional Court Procedure Act is the milestone of the Judicial Reform on Institution of the Constitutional Interpretation by the Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan–Judicialization, Judgement, Courtification
起訖頁 31-46
關鍵詞 司法院大法官審理案件法憲法訴訟法法規範審查裁判憲法審查政黨違憲審查顯名主義法庭之友評議制度司法化裁判化法庭化Constitutional Interpretation Procedure ActConstitutional Court Procedure Actconstitutionality of lawsconstitutional complaintsdissolution of unconstitutional political partiesreveal the names of the JusticesA friend of the courtdeliberation systemJudicializationJudgementCourtification
刊名 律師法學期刊  
期數 202112 (7期)
出版單位 臺北律師公會
該期刊-上一篇 越南社會主義共和國之法律體系以及律師、法官、檢察官制度簡介
該期刊-下一篇 職業安全衛生法上之勞工、工作者與自營作業者──兼評最高法院108年度台上字第3227號刑事判決




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