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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
A Study of Stress Response Caused by Personality and Social Support: Combining Psychometric Meta-Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling |
作者 |
黃寶園、林世華 |
中文摘要 |
本研究的目的在結合「統合分析」與「結構方程模式」二種技術,檢驗「人格特質--壓力反應」模式的適配度。首先探究各觀察變項間的關係,透過116篇個別研究報告,429個比較,發現本研究所設定的13個觀察變項間的相關係數均達.05的顯著水準,並得到一個13×13的相關矩陣。其次分析「人格特質--壓力反應」模式與觀察資料間的適配度。結果發現本研究所建構的人格特質、工作壓力、生活壓力、社會支持、身心健康等五個成分的「人格特質--壓力反應」模式與經統合分析所獲得的觀察資料間的適配度相當理想。人格特質對工作壓力、生活壓力、社會支持與身心健康均有直接且顯著的影響,而社會支持也發揮了壓力緩和的正向作用,這樣的結果支持了本研究的觀點與假設。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to combine both psychometric meta-analysis and structural equation modeling to inspect the fitness of “Personality-Stress Mode.” There were two stages in this research. In the first stage, the relationships among all of the observed variables were searched through 116 reports and 429 comparisons from the reports. Consequently, the designed coefficients among 13 observed variables all reached the significant level of .05, and therefore produced a 13x13 correlation matrix. In the second stage, an analysis was made for the fitness between “Personality-Stress Mode” and all observed data. Five aspects were discussed in this research regarding the “Personality-Stress Mode”: personality, work stress, life stress, social support, and physical and mental health. Also, all observed data were meta-analyzed. As a result, the fitness between the “Personality-Stress Mode” and all observed data was satisfactory. Before this research was done, personality was considered to be much related to work stress, life stress, social support, and physical and mental health. Social support was believed to ease off the stress. The results above supported the hypothesis of this research. |
起訖頁 |
263-294 |
關鍵詞 |
人格特質、身心健康、社會支持、壓力反應歷程、Personality、Physical and mental health、Social support、Stress response |
刊名 |
教育心理學報 |
期數 |
200712 (39:2期) |
出版單位 |
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督導介入對受督導者之衝擊--以區辨模式為架構之歷程分析 |
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臺灣地區國民小學教師實用智能、情緒智能與專業表現之相關研究 |