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Distribution of exotic weeds in coastal areas of southern and eastern Taiwan during summer
作者 徐玲明林盈甄劉又彰王慶裕
"台灣自16世紀末,陸續由其他地區引入外來植物,迄今約2,600種,由於外來植物(exotic plants)於非耕地及野外地區,易野化(naturalized)甚至成為入侵植物(invasive plants)危害本地生態,因此本研究主要調查台灣南部與東部地區土壤種子庫之草相,以及外來雜草生長分布。結果顯示共有32科、103屬、133種植物存在於兩地區,其中外來雜草有37種約佔28%。於2004年自上述二地區22及13地點取回土樣,土壤中種子經發芽後調查,發現屏東縣地區土壤種子包括16科、39種,外來雜草種子有7種,佔18%。而台東縣地區土壤中種子則包括20科、69種,外來雜草種子17種,佔25%。二地區土壤所含植物種子均以莎草科的碎米莎草數量最多。於2005年夏季實際田野調查發現屏東縣海岸地區在高溫乾旱逆境下雜草70%死亡,而存活雜草包括10科、24種,其中外來雜草有5科、8種,佔33%,以菊科為主。而台東縣海岸地區雜草包括21科、82種,其中外來雜草有8科、27種,佔33%,以菊科、豆科及禾本科為主。顯然外來雜草於海岸地區及不良環境下有較高之出現比例,其具有較高之適應力。"
"A survey of weed flora in the field and seed banks in southern and eastern Taiwan found 133 weed species belonging to 32 families and 103 genera with 28% of these species, i.e. 37, being exotic weeds. In 2004, an investigation in the greenhouse of weed flora in seed banks found 18% of the 39 species(from 16 families)in southern Taiwan and 25% of the 69 species(from 20 families)in eastern Taiwan as exotic weeds. In the summer of 2005, heat and drought coupled with a typhoon in coastal areas of southern Taiwan resulted in about 70% mortality of ground-covering weeds; and among the 24 species(from 10 families)of weeds that survived, 33% were exotic. Meanwhile, in the coastal areas of eastern Taiwan, ca. 33% of the 82 surviving species(from 21 families)were exotic weeds. It is suggested that, under adverse environments, the exotic weeds in coastal areas appear to have stronger growth potential and competition ability than the indigenous weeds."
起訖頁 129-151
關鍵詞 台灣海岸外來植物種子庫植相Taiwancoastexoticseed bankflora
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200606 (48:2期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 本土白殭菌(Beauveria bassiana)菌株之特性差異比較
該期刊-下一篇 常用氨基甲酸鹽類農藥對水生生物風險評估




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