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Risk assessment of carbamate pesticides for aquatic organisms
作者 孫斐
"本研究的目的在評估植物保護手冊上記載、國內水域作物上推薦使用的9種氨基甲酸鹽類農藥:免扶克(benfuracarb)、免賴得(benomyl)、殺丹(benthiocarb)、加保利(carbaryl)、加保扶(carbofuran)、丁基加保扶(carbosulfan)、丁基滅必蝨(fenobucarb)、滅必蝨(isoprocarb)及毆殺滅(oxamyl)對水生生物的安全性。9種藥劑共以13種主成份含量及劑型的方式被推薦使用。以魚類及甲殼類為指標生物的毒性試驗評估結果顯示,13種成品藥劑及9種原體藥劑中,僅推廣用於水稻育苗箱的毆殺滅24% SL(溶液)對水生生物具中等毒性、在推薦用量下對水生物安全。另參考美國環境保護署(Environmental Protection Agency, EPA)以危險商數(risk quotient, RQ)評估各藥劑對兩類水生生物的潛在急毒性風險,結果亦僅有毆殺滅24% SL對兩類供試水生生物的急毒性風險較低,其餘藥劑多屬於對兩類供試水生生物急毒性風險高的藥劑。"
"The risks to aquatic organisms of 9 carbamate pesticides including benfuracarb, benomyl, benthiocarb, carbaryl, carbofuran, carbosulfan, fenobucarb, isoprocarb and oxamyl, which have high utility in Taiwan, were assessed. Water fleas and fish were used as indicators to represent invertebrate and vertebrate aquatic organisms, respectively. Thirteen formulations of 9 active ingredients of carbamate pesticides were used in an aquarium environment according to the Plant Protection Manual. Based on the applied concentrations, there was only oxamyl 24% SL, which applied in seed dip of rice, had middle toxicity to aquatic organisms, and was safe for use in rice fields under the applied concentration. Potential risks to aquatic organisms presumed from the risk quotient (derived from the estimated environmental concentration and toxicity to organisms) according to the US EPA are also discussed. Among the 13 pesticides, only oxamyl with 24% SP had a low potential risk to aquatic organisms. There were also high potential acute toxicity risks to aquatic organisms from the use of the other pesticides in aquatic areas."
起訖頁 153-162
關鍵詞 氨基甲酸鹽類農藥水生生物毒性水蚤carbamate pesticidesaquatic toxicityfishwater fleasrisk assessment
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200606 (48:2期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣夏季南海岸語東海岸之外來雜草分佈
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣百合灰黴病菌對護汰寧殺菌劑之基礎感受性分析




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