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本土白殭菌(Beauveria bassiana)菌株之特性差異比較
Biological characterization of Beauveria bassiana isolates from Taiwan
作者 蔡勇勝楊芃苮洪德惠高穗生
本土不同白殭菌(Beauveria bassiana)菌株之菌絲生長對溫度反應頗為一致,最適溫均在24℃,次為28℃或20℃。供試菌株中以編號Bb-2菌株表現最佳,在各不同溫度處理中均以其菌落最大。在28℃下,24小時,所有菌株之孢子發芽率可達90%以上,但在20小時進行比較,菌株間之孢子發芽情形則有明顯之差異。另外,菌株產孢能力差異極大,產孢量最高與最低者差達4百餘倍,由高而低依序為Bb-1、Bb-2、Bb-3、Bb-4、Bb-5、Bb-6、Bb-7、Bb-8。菌絲產量之高低順序為Bb-2、Bb-6、Bb-7、Bb-5、Bb-3、Bb-4、Bb-8、Bb-1。在酵素活性反應試驗中,Bb-1、Bb-2、Bb-5、Bb-7、Bb-8等菌的脂肪分解酶(lipase)活性明顯較Bb-3、Bb-4、Bb-6強。澱粉酶(amylase)之作用則以Bb-1、Bb-2、Bb-4較佳,Bb-8最差。蛋白酶(protease)活性以Bb-1、Bb-7兩菌株最高,次為Bb-6,Bb-5及Bb-8菌株再次之,最差為Bb-3。在107 conidia/ml濃度下,Bb-2、Bb-6、Bb-7、Bb-8菌株可使99%以上之供試三齡小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella)幼蟲罹病死亡,Bb-3、Bb-4、Bb-5三株菌僅分別有50.2、51.9與46.5%之幼蟲死亡率。白殭菌對四齡甜菜夜蛾(Spodoptera exigua)幼蟲之病原性極強,除Bb-7菌株所引起之幼蟲死亡率不及50%外,其餘各菌株均達90%以上。田間防治試驗結果發現Bb-1、Bb-2、Bb-8三菌株可使小菜蛾蟲數在處理一週後明顯降低。Bb-3菌株處理區小菜蛾蟲數雖未減少,但亦無明顯增加,處理組與對照組比較,均有顯著的防治效果。但平均每棵甘藍之重量,僅Bb-8菌株處理組較對照組及其他處理組重。以紫外線處理菌絲,八菌株中有Bb-1、Bb-2、Bb-3、Bb-4四菌株在經中波長紫外線(312nm,600μw/cm2)處理8小時後仍可生長,另四菌株則完全受抑制,差異頗大。
"The optimal temperature for mycelial growth of indigenous Beauveria bassiana isolates was 24℃, and suboptimal temperature was 28℃ or 20℃. Of the 8 isolates tested, only the colony of Bb-2 isolate showed the greatest radial growth on each temperature. There was a 400-fold difference in spore production between the highest and lowest. Isolates Bb-1 exhibited the highest spore production among B. bassiana isolates tested. Rate of conidial germination was above 90% when incubated at 28°C, for 24 hr, but there was a significant difference among isolates tested after 20 hr incubation. In the enzyme activity tests, the results showed that isolates Bb-1, Bb-2, Bb-5, Bb-7 and Bb-8 had higher lipase activity than Bb-3, Bb-4 and Bb-6. Isolates Bb-1, Bb-2 and Bb-4 exhibited higher amylase activity than other isolates tested. Isolate Bb-8 exhibited the lowest amylase activity among B. bassiana isolates tested. In protease activity test, isolates Bb-1 and Bb-7 exhibited the highest enzymatic activity, followed by Bb-6, Bb-5 and Bb-8. Isolate Bb-3 exhibited the lowest enzymatic activity. Bioassay showed that Bb-2, Bb-6, Bb-7 and Bb-8 isolates were virulent against 3rd instar larvae of Plutella xylostella. The mortalities of P. xylostella larvae caused by these four isolates ranged from 99.1% to 99.8%. All B. bassiana isolates tested except Bb-7 were strongly pathogenic to 4th instar larvae of Spodoptera exigua. All isolates of B. bassiana tested in field trials showed high control efficacy against P. xylostella within 2 weeks. Treatment with isolate Bb-8 resulted in the highest average weight of cabbage harvested per plant among all treatments. Among eight isolates of B. bassiana tested, only isolates Bb-1, Bb-2, Bb-3 and Bb-4 exhibited colony growth on V8 plates after exposure to UV-B irradiation (312 nm, 600 μw/cm^2) for 8 hr."
起訖頁 117-128
關鍵詞 白殭菌甜菜夜蛾小菜蛾紫外線Beauveria bassianaSpodoptera exiguaPlutella xylostellaUV-B irradiation
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200606 (48:2期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用單一步驟巢式複合式聚合酶鏈鎖反應同步鑑定刺足根蟎、羅賓根蟎及長毛根蟎
該期刊-下一篇 台灣夏季南海岸語東海岸之外來雜草分佈




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