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Desire Levels in the Stage Play“The Desired”
作者 徐磊瑄
舞臺劇《慾可慾,非常慾》(The Desired)於 2003 年被創作完成,同時亦被搬上舞臺。主要是以學院內教授的族裔問題,以及同性師生戀之故事情節作為開展。由於劇情犀利,可謂一震聾發聵醒世之作。 該劇所探討的重點除了題目已點明的「慾望」以外,「權力」與「性別」亦是該劇的另外兩項探討重點,主題可謂非常明確。而關於慾望,每個人對它的定義究竟為何;何以慾望在人生裡頭,是重要的生存動機,卻又被人們以極其幽微隱晦的態度展現?本文將針對主人公們的慾望層次,作一深入的探究與論述。
"The stage play 'The Desired' was created in 2003 and was brought to the stage at the same time. It is mainly based on the ethnic issues of the professors in the college and the story of the homosexuality between a teacher and a student. Because of the sensitive issue, it can be described as a striking and awakening masterwork. In addition to the 'desire' that has been specified in the title, 'power' and 'gender' are also two other focus points of the play, and the theme is very clear. Regarding desire, what is each person's definition of it? Why is desire in life, an important motivation for survival, but displayed in a very subtle and obscure manner by people? This essay will focus on the protagonists' desire levels, and make in-depth exploration and discussion."
起訖頁 289-326
關鍵詞 郭強生慾可慾非常慾慾望擬戲劇理論史詩劇場反亞里斯多德Guo QiangshengThe DesireDesireDramaturgical theoryEpic TheatreNon-Aristotelian
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202112 (40期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 華麗複奏‧測繪與遺忘:尹玲旅行詩作之書寫意義
該期刊-下一篇 詩歌聲情美之展現──閩南語字譜吟詩




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