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"Gorgeous Refraining, Mapping and Forgetting: A Study of the Writing Meaning of Yin Ling's Travel Poetry"
作者 陳雀倩
本文旨在探討越華詩人尹玲其旅行詩的概念和意義。來自越南美拖(My Tho)的尹玲,一直以旅行作為她的生命型態的顯明標誌,不管是藉由旅行過程完成她個人對於西貢戰爭的遺忘;或者回到她南越之孩童時期;抑是走在時代的前沿,透過旅行型塑她獨特的生命風格。尹玲的多本著作裏皆書寫了前往全世界各地特殊的遊歷過程、美食踏查和行旅體驗,本文想藉由對這些旅行詩作之閱讀和探討,蠡測探究尹玲融旅行和寫作於一體的行旅書寫之概念和意義。此外,本文亦藉由詹明信(Fredric Jameson)根據凱文‧林區(Kevin Lynch)《城市意象》提出的「認知地圖」(cognitive mapping)概念察看尹玲其旅行詩中的行旅概念和意義,除了以不同地方感的行旅實踐以複奏她豐厚的個人主體經驗之外,更還包括她試圖揮別的關於戰爭種種的哀傷記憶、尋鄉線索和其存在的意義。
"This article aims to explore the concept and significance of Chinese Vietnamese poet Yin Ling's travel poems. Yin Ling is from My Tho City of Vietnam and has always used travel as a manifestation of her life style, whether it is through the travel process to complete her personal forgetting of the Saigon war, to return to her childhood in South Vietnam, or to walk at the forefront of the time. She indeed shapes her unique life style through travel. Yin Ling has written down various kinds of travel experiences around the world including food tasting and special encountering. This article wants to read and explore these travel poems and speculate on the concept and significance of Yin Ling's writing style of mixing travelling and writing. In addition, the article also wants to inspect other meanings demonstrated in Yin Ling’s travel poems with the “cognitive mapping” concept proposed by Kevin Lynch. According to Fredric Jameson, the concept of “cognitive mapping” appearing in Kevin Lynch’s book 'The Image of the City' intends to eliminate the alienation for a place. When inspecting the concept and significance of travel in Yin Ling’s travel poems, in addition to reciting her rich personal experience with different local travel practices, it is also important for readers to consider her intention to get rid of the sad memories for the war and her searching for hometown and the meaning of existence."
起訖頁 251-287
關鍵詞 尹玲何金蘭旅行詩行旅書寫認知測繪越華文學Yin LingHé Jīn Lán(何金蘭)travel poemtravel writingcognitive mappingChinese Vietnamese Literature
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202112 (40期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 陳古刺今:陳奐《詩毛氏傳疏》對於〈賓之初筵〉與〈抑〉之「追刺」說的詮釋
該期刊-下一篇 舞臺劇《慾可慾,非常慾》之慾望層次




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