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"Describing the Past, Criticizing the Present: The“Retrospectively Criticizing”Interpretation of“When Guests First Take Their Seats”and“Yi”in Chen Huan’s The Exegesis of Mao’s Book of Songs"
作者 陳有宜
"This paper focuses on Chen Huan’s The Exegesis of Mao’s Book of Songs and discusses an extended topic of “eulogizing and criticizing” in Book of Songs, “retrospectively criticizing.” The concept of “retrospectively criticizing” was proposed to capture the purpose of poet’s writing by Kong Yingda, a scholar of the Tang Dynasty, who considered “Yi” as an illustration. During the Qing Dynasty, “Yi” was connected to “When Guests First Take Their Seats” and both were given the “retrospectively criticizing” interpretation by Chen Huan on the basis of the “Great Preface,” even though Kong did not interpret “When Guests First Take Their Seats” as a “retrospectively criticizing” poem. This paper argues that Chen’s united understanding of both poems and his reinterpretation of their structures were influenced by two Song scholars, Ouyang Xiu and Zhu Xi. Chen not only expanded the meaning of “describing the past, criticizing the present” from “describing the good of the past for criticizing the evil of the present” to “describing the evil of the past for criticizing the evil of the present” but also used such insight to accent the meaning of “self-examination” of the poems and to verify the concept of “retrospectively criticizing.”"
起訖頁 211-249
關鍵詞 追刺賓之初筵陳奐詩毛氏傳疏Retrospectively Criticizing“When Guests First Take Their Seats”“Yi”Chen HuanThe Exegesis of Mao’s Book of Songs
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202112 (40期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 漢意與和習:論觀益道人《如是我聞》對中國笑話書的承繼與開展
該期刊-下一篇 華麗複奏‧測繪與遺忘:尹玲旅行詩作之書寫意義




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