英文摘要 |
"因為深刻認知到AI(Artificial Intelligence、人工智慧)與HI(Humanintelligence、人類智慧)間是有必要協同合作,於是本論文設定了AI與HI兼具之應用AI技術的文學研究為課題。具體選定村田沙耶香《超商人類》為考察標的,應用AI文本探勘技術解析的結果與一般慣用文本分析之解讀結果,來進行相互對照比較研究。相互對照比較研究結果顯示《超商人類》有兩個閱讀方式。一是白羽為主軸線的閱讀方式。一是古倉為主軸線的閱讀方式。若以白羽為主軸的話,《超商人類》將成為一部從被社會歧視人們發出對社會不平之鳴的小說。但若以古倉為主軸的話,則是超商打工工作雖然是被社會以負面眼光看待,卻可轉化成對一個個人而言是接近社會,對社會有積極貢獻的工作。若未應用AI文本探勘技術來解析《超商人類》,就無法跳脫HI慣用的文本分析而解讀出的研究成果。且AI文本探勘技術所解答出之文學作品潛在層部分的研究成果,是HI所無法所及。於是若僅維持一貫的HI慣用的文本分析,此潛在層恐就無法被彰顯出來。同時也就無法提供文學作品多樣化閱讀的樂趣。由以上可證,AI與HI兼具之文學研究方式,確實是可以提升日本文學研究的多樣化效益性。 In this paper, I set the task of supporting literary research with AI technology that combines AI and HI, and with a deep recognition of the need for collaboration between AI (Artificial Intelligence) and HI (Human intelligence). In this paper, I will compare and contrast the results of deciphering Sayaka Murata's 'Convenience Store Woman' using conventional text analysis with the results of analysis using AI text mining technology.As a result of comparison and contrast, I found that there are two readings: one with Shiroha as the main character, and the other with Furukura as the main character. In the former reading, 'Convenience Store Woman' is a work written with the grievances of people who are discriminated and oppressed by society. On the other hand, the latter reading gives a positive meaning to 'Convenience Store Woman,' in that it turns a convenience store job, which is perceived as a negative thing by the public, into something that has a positive meaning for a single person.If we do not apply AI text mining technology to the study of Japanese literature this time, we will not be able to recognize that there are more latent layers in literary works and diversify our readings by simply relying on the traditional deciphering of literary works through text analysis, which is far beyond the ability of humans alone to see through. This is a combination of AI and HI. This proves the effectiveness of AI technology, which combines AI and HI, in supporting literary research." |