英文摘要 |
"本論文藉由訪談在日本工作的台灣日語相關系所畢業生的職場經驗,以期能建構案例教學法的教材。藉由調查的結果發現赴日工作的日語相關系所畢業生所取得的簽証以渡假打工簽証為最多;所選擇的渡假打工地主要以東京、大阪、或者在台灣以觀光地聞名的地方,如:長野、九州、北海道。以所服務的職業來看主要是在飯店或温泉旅館業等、店舖・服飾業的販賣及餐飲服務業為主。最後透過物語分析其職場內的衝擊經驗發現主要的脈絡有「對職場時間之認知不同」、「新進員工的研修」、「公司整體的制度層面」、「人間關係」等。在今後的課題上,希望利用訪談所抽出的衝擊事件為主軸,撰寫有關異文化理解及開啟對話為主軸的案例教材為主要的目的。 Given the importance of case method to Japanese language studies for a business context, this paper explores the use of case method teaching generated from the real-life experiences of Taiwanese learners of Japanese as a foreign language during their time working in Japan. Specifically, the case studies in question derive from the experiences of workplace conflict in Japan among such Taiwanese learners of Japanese, offering valuable educational insights for future students interested in learning business Japanese. This paper comprises a collection of such case studies, while exploring how to harness the experiences contained therein to further Japanese business language instruction. Through extensive interviews with Taiwanese who have worked in Japan during“working holidays”in Tokyo and Osaka (typically in hotel jobs and other tourism and service industry positions), as well as Taiwanese working in tourism services jobs in Taiwan catering to Japanese tourists, we gathered numerous stories about cross-cultural understandings and misunderstandings in a business setting relevant to students of Japanese as a foreign language." |