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The Study for the Prevention System of Workplace Bullying in Taiwan
作者 葉佳倫王安祥
"In Taiwan, workplace bullying has not been seriously discussed, especially its legal position, definition, and how to deal with it. By searching for the related studies and other countries' measure of preventing and handling the workplace bullying, and interviewing the bullied employees, investigators and managers in the companies, the representative of government, to dig out the problems of the workplace bullying in Taiwan. This study has found that the employees in Taiwan do not trust the reporting system in the company; secondly, both company and government does not provide enough training to prevent and handle the workplace bullying; thirdly, the bullied employees have difficulty on legal assistant. Therefore, this study suggests that the company should provide more training to prevent and handle the workplace bullying; secondly, the legislature should add a new chapter on workplace bullying prevention and handling to the Employment Service Act; thirdly, the government should establish requirements for workplace bullying as soon as possible; fourth, the conpanies should add or continue to provide workplace bullying prevention and handling education training; finally, conpanies should pay attention to the reporting system for workplace bullying and do investigate the incidents."
起訖頁 54-79
關鍵詞 職場霸凌職場不法侵害預防制度workplace bullyingthe measure of preventing and handlingemployee training
刊名 勞資關係論叢  
期數 202112 (23:2期)
出版單位 國立中正大學勞工關係學系
該期刊-上一篇 組織公民行為之統合分析研究




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