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Varieties of Social Investment Welfare states: The Examination of Disaggregated Social Expenditure
作者 賴定佾葉崇揚古允文
後工業化使得福利國家面臨嚴峻的三難:「就業、(所得)平等以及財政平衡」。為了解決此後工業化的三難,社會投資被視為一種解方。這是否會使得各國的社會政策朝向聚合的情況呢?或者依然會維持其制度差異呢?我們認為不同福利國家受限於既有制度,使福利國家依然維持其差異性。透過分解式社會支出結構(disaggregated social expenditure)的方法,了解不同的社會投資福利國家類型的政策核心為何。發現至少存在兩種路徑,以北歐社會民主福利國家為主的社會民主路徑以及第三條路為基礎的自由主義路徑。歐陸保守主義福利國家,似乎呈現了一個比較歧異的路線。一方面,西班牙和義大利,依然維持其對家庭主義以及保守主義的特性;另一方面,法國和荷蘭,特別重視家庭政策,使得其逐漸地踏上社會民主路徑;而德國,似乎是介於中間。最後,東亞福利國家也是在社會投資轉型過程中,屬於相對緩慢的國家,沒有一個很明確的路徑出現。
"The welfare state faces a trilemma in the post-industrial society: employment growth, inequality and fiscal balance. Social Investment is considered as the panacea of this trilemma. However, does it lead to the convergence of the welfare states? or will institutional differences be maintained? We presume that the welfare states would not converge due to institutional legacies. The method of the disaggregated social expenditure will be used to analyse what policies are emphasized. We found that, at least, there are two pathways, social democratic pathway in Nordic welfare states and the third-way pathway in liberal welfare states. Conservative welfare states are divergent, on the one hand, Spain and Italy still place great emphasis on familialism and corporatism; on the other, France and Netherland adopted social democratic pathway by spending more on family policy; lastly, Germany located in the middle. In East Asia, there is no clear pathway of social investment transition."
起訖頁 43-91
關鍵詞 後工業化三難社會投資路徑福利體制分解式社會支出結構Post-industrialisationTrilemmaSocial Investment PathwaysWelfare RegimeDisaggregated Social Expenditure
刊名 國家發展研究  
期數 202112 (21:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學國家發展研究所
該期刊-上一篇 新自由主義化的社會投資:經濟化、人力資本與國家治理
該期刊-下一篇 社會投資觀點的性別分析:以臺灣女性創業方案為例




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