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NVivo R. 1.4.1代碼簿在整合型質性研究之運用
The Use of NVivo R. 1.4.1 Codebook for Integrated Qualitative Research
作者 劉世閔 (Shih-Min Liu)
"Integrated qualitative research has become one part of qualitative research, and this new trend allows for the integration of projects between different users in different research areas, time and researchers. Codebooks can import/export coding lists and provide researchers with coding based structure on the same codebook, and the coding results can form a hierarchy with parent/child or sibling association effects. NVivo's codebook can ensure coding agreements, disagreements, and kappa coefficients, and the codebook and project can be imported/exported, so that different researchers can use the same codebook list for coding and confirm whether they are 'great minds think alike'. Member checking and peer debriefing between users are used to ensure the trustworthiness and authenticity of the project. However, a researcher should not expect the software to dominate the methodology without introspection by the researcher per se, or the qualitative research will become mired in the instrumental rationality of information technology (IT)."
起訖頁 331-353
關鍵詞 編碼代碼簿整合型質性研究Nvivocodingcodebookintegrated qualitative researchNvivo
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202107 (2:4期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 從兒童與自然的關係探究瑞典家庭、社會、學校之學前教育
該期刊-下一篇 德國學習工場:一個實踐STEAM教育的教育模式




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