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The Significance of Zuo Zhuan under the View of the Monarch-Subject Standpoint of Qun Shu Zhi Yao
作者 張素卿
"The Qun Shu Zhi Yao was compiled by Wei Zheng and others, conforming to the needs of Tang Taizong to govern the country, and marked by its time, which can be regarded as a summary of the essence of governing principles before the Tang Dynasty, as well as a compilation digging out traditional political of China. Among them, the selection of Zuo Zhuan reflects the view of Monarch-Officials, and''People-oriented Thoughts''in Chinese politics ethics.''Mirror''often contains the purpose of abstinence to be correct, and to remonstrate with a superior means the struggle against his decision-making. Then, the political thinking of''Monarch-Officials as Oneness (君臣一體)''is, of course, based on the integration of the one, and there is also the power antagonism between the Monarch- Officials. Editors' choices reflect both their ideas and their conscious intentions, which inevitably distance themselves from the original purpose of Zuo Zhuan."
起訖頁 17-46
關鍵詞 唐太宗魏徵君臣觀民本思想政治倫理Emperor TaizongWei Zhengthe view of Monarch-OfficialsPeople-oriented ThoughtsPolitical Ethics
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202109 (74期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 清華簡《司歲》字詞校理及原理探析
該期刊-下一篇 唐代《國秀集》詩律探微──以詩選、詩格交互印證




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