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Analysis of the Metrical Pattern of Guo Xiu Ji in the High Tang through Cross-References between Poetry Selection and Shi Ge
作者 蔡瑜
"Imperial college student Rui Ting Zhang compiled Guo Xiu Ji by order of the palace library and the imperial college's officials and subsequently completed by students. It explains the correlation between the selection and the educational and imperial examination system of High Tang. According to Lo Ying's preface, this poetry selection focused primarily on the opening of Kaiyuan (713 AD) to the third year of Tianbao (744 AD). Moreover, it also claims to compile into a collection works that the play of music can accompany. It indicates the highly selective selection criteria in terms of poetic rhythm, which constitutes a precious collection for the contemporary analysis of the form of metrical patterns from the High Tang. This paper draws upon the regulation of metrical patterns compiled in early''Shi Ge''literature to conduct a typological analysis of the over two hundred poems in Guo Xiu Ji. The results obtained fully demonstrate that rules regulating the Nian Dui between the second and the fourth (and the sixth) characters had already become the guiding principle; poets still retained, to some degree, the optional flexibility for poetic adjustment and diversity. As a selection with an emphasis on poetic rhythm, Gui Xiu Ji embodied the concept of metrical patterns in High Tang, which was rigorous but not without freedom of expression and creativity."
起訖頁 47-93
關鍵詞 國秀集盛唐詩選詩律詩格Guo Xiu JiHigh TangSelected PoetryPoetic RhythmShi Ge
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202109 (74期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《群書治要》君臣觀取鑒之《左傳》要義
該期刊-下一篇 《瀟湘錄‧楚江漁者》對隱逸課題之表述




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