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"法學英文:Qualitex Company v. Jacobson Products Company, Inc., 514 U.S. 159; 115 S. Ct. 1300 (1995)."
作者 林利芝
"被上訴人Jacobson公司主張有四個特殊理由為何商標法應禁止以單一顏色作為商標。本院會依序解釋為何本院最終認為這些理由缺乏說服力。第一,Jacobson公司表示,如果商標法允許使用單一顏色作為商標,將會產生不確定性和法院無法處理有關競爭者可合法使用什麼顏色之爭議。因為照明(早晨陽光,黃昏暮光)會影響對受保護之顏色的感知,當競爭者和法院試圖決定採用相似顏色於類似商品是否會混淆消費者因而侵害商標,他們會面臨「顏色深淺混淆」。Jacobson公司強調,「顏色深淺混淆」問題是更加困難,並且與判定文字或記號是否相似而產生混淆誤認之虞,極為不同。Respondent Jacobson Products says that there are four special reasons why the law should forbid the use of color alone as a trademark. We shall explain, in turn, why we, ultimately, find them unpersuasive.First, Jacobson says that, if the law permits the use of color as a trademark, it will produce uncertainty and unresolvable court disputes about what shades of a color a competitor may lawfully use. Because lighting (morning sun, twilight mist) will affect perceptions of protected color, competitors and courts will suffer from 'shade confusion' as they try to decide whether use of a similar color on a similar product does, or does not, confuse customers and thereby infringe a trademark. Jacobson adds that the 'shade confusion' problem is 'more difficult' and 'far different from' the 'determination of the similarity of words or symbols.'"
起訖頁 1-11
刊名 作者授權  
期數 201507 (2015:7期)
該期刊-上一篇 "法學英文:Qualitex Company v. Jacobson Products Company, Inc., 514 U.S. 159; 115 S. Ct. 1300 (1995)."
該期刊-下一篇 "法學英文:Qualitex Company v. Jacobson Products Company, Inc., 514 U.S. 159; 115 S. Ct. 1300 (1995)."




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