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"Course Design, Assessment, and Learning Effectiveness of English Writing MOOCs: A Case Study on Literature Citation Teaching"
作者 林美宏
本研究旨在探究磨課師於寫作教學應用的可能性,透過建立一主題式英文寫作磨課師發展線上文獻引用教學模式,除了用以改善現存文獻引用教學的困境,亦希望藉由探討學生對本寫作磨課師的課程設計滿意度、同儕互評態度與學習成效,了解磨課師在寫作教學應用的可能性與挑戰。本研究採質性與量性兼備的研究方法,以107學年度33位修習「英文寫作課」的大學部學生為研究對象,透過分析其學習歷程資料,包含課後問卷、線上測驗、問題討論、同儕互評問卷與回饋、文獻回顧完稿成績等資料,評估本寫作磨課師的課程設計與學習成效,並透過分析比較教師與同儕的回饋,探究以同儕回饋作為評量項目的可行性。研究結果發現:一、學生對寫作磨課師課程設計有正向滿意度,尤其本課程所使用的教學平臺Google Classroom其強大的分享共用、協作共編、即時/非即時互動等功能,不僅可改善傳統寫作教室較局限的互動模式,更能有效提升學生更多寫作練習機會;二、學生對同儕互評抱持正面態度,而同儕互評訓練也有助於引導學生提供回饋;三、形成性及總結性評量結果均顯示,本寫作磨課師可有效提升學生撰寫文獻回顧的能力。本研究展現創新寫作教學模式之可行性,研究成果可供未來課程規劃參考。
"This study explored the feasibility of using massive open online courses (MOOCs) to teach composition in English writing. We established a themebased English writing composition MOOC to develop an online literature citation teaching model. In addition to resolving the predicaments in existing teaching methods, we hoped to explore students’satisfaction with the design of the proposed MOOC, their attitude toward peer reviews, and their learning outcomes to understand the feasibility and challenges of MOOCs for teaching composition. The research methodology involved both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Participants were 33 undergraduate students who enrolled in an English composition course in the 2018-2019 academic year. Course design and learning outcomes were examined by analyzing records of their learning history, including after-class questionnaires, online test scores, problem discussions, peer review questionnaires and feedback, and scores of their literature review final drafts. Feedbacks from teachers and student peers were analyzed and compared to explore the feasibility of using peer feedback as an assessment item. The results revealed that: (1) Students were satisfied with the design of the proposed MOOC, particularly with the adoption of the teaching platform Google Classroom for information sharing, collaborative co-editing, and synchronized and asynchronized interaction. The platform addressed limitations in the interaction mode of conventional classroom teaching and effectively increased students’opportunities to practice composition. (2) Students held a positive attitude toward peer reviews. Peer review training was conducive to guiding students to provide feedback. (3) Formative and summative assessment results both verified that the proposed MOOC effectively enhanced students’ability to compose literature reviews. This study demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed innovative teaching model for English writing. The study results may serve as references for future course planning."
起訖頁 39-89
關鍵詞 寫作磨課師文獻引用同儕互評第二語言寫作學術英文寫作composition MOOCliterature citationpeer reviewsecond language compositionacademic English writing
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202109 (4:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 閱讀書寫課程融入在地偏鄉教育議題之實踐歷程、學習成效與反思
該期刊-下一篇 改進金融市場實作課程對學生學習成效之影響──以差異中之差異法進行跨校相同課程驗證




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