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"The Practical Process, Learning Outcomes, and Reflection on Incorporating Local Rural Education Topics in Reading and Writing Courses"
作者 曾瓊瑤
"This paper presents an 8-week and 8-unit mandarin reading and writing course integrated with social topics, the purpose of which was to enhance the quality of university reading and writing courses and university students’humanity concern and social involvement in rural communities. University students were guided to learn about and understand“tribal book houses”by interacting with the children studying at tribal book houses. This study took place in 2 tribal book houses in Taitung, with 78 first-year university students from the mandarin reading and writing course and 17 children at the tribal book houses participating. Data were collected through observations, interviews, student reports on what they learned, and the use of a rubric. The results indicated that by integrating local rural topics, the reading and writing course effectively inspired students’affective motivation in caring about society and their ability to participate in actions. The students developed the ability to interview people and to write reports and the capability to plan projects and to communicate with people. Finally, they were able to implement an action project involving creative reading and writing for social participation. The results of this study confirmed the feasibility of incorporating social topics in reading and writing courses in inspiring students’social involvement. Challenges confronting this teaching model are described, and possible solutions are presented for reference."
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 社會關懷偏鄉教育敘事能力閱讀與書寫議題融入social compassionrural educationnarrative skillreading and writingissue-integration
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202109 (4:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 英文寫作磨課師之課程設計、評量與學習成效:以文獻引用教學為例




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