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Research on the Life Course of a Principal to Artist's Life
作者 陳聰堅林沛薇
2018年台灣已進入高齡社會,如何讓長輩積極維持人際關係,且持續投入有意義的事務,並將畢生經驗傳承,達到健康老化、活躍老化是非常重要的。本研究採質性研究法,以半結構式訪談大綱進行深度訪談,經由訪談資料以「敘說生命故事」(story telling)方式詮釋一位退休吳校長完整的生命故事,敘說吳校長成長背景與困苦的生活環境,如何成功往自己的志向發展,探究教師生涯發展到校長任內,如何發揮校長領導的角色功能,再到退休後成為藝術家的人生哲學,研究結論如下:(1)逆境中求生存,是人生命運的重要考驗;(2)敞開胸懷拒絕狹隘,才能感受到生活的美好;(3)從教學中尋求快樂,借鑑中找尋創新;(4)從退休中體驗人生,藝術中享受精彩生活,藉由本研究理解生命的意義與價值,堅毅的生活能力,多元的生涯發展,讓校長奮鬥的一生及領導哲學再到藝術人生完整記錄,豐富的生命故事形成文化價值,可成為後代年輕人生活實踐與開創精彩人生參考典範,生生不息永續影響。
"In 2018, Taiwan has entered an aged society. How to make the behavior of elders actively maintain interpersonal relationships? continue to invest in meaningful affairs, and pass on life experience to achieve healthy aging and active aging is especially important. This research uses a qualitative research method and conducts in-depth interviews with a semi-structured interview outline. Through the interview data, the complete life story of a retired principal Wu is explained with the method of ""story telling"" to understand his growing background, difficulties of poor living environment, how to successfully develop his own ambitions in his living environment, how to develop a teacher’s career into a principal’s tenure, how to play the role of a principal’s leadership, and then have an artist’s philosophy of life after retirement. The research conclusions are as follows: (1) Survive in adversity is an important test of life's destiny; (2) People only by opening up and rejecting narrow-mindedness can feel the beauty of life; (3) Seeking happiness from teaching and seeking innovation from learning; (4) Experience life from retirement, enjoy the wonderful life from art. With this research, we can understand the meaning and value of life, living ability of perseverance, and diverse career development. Let the principal’s life of struggle, leadership philosophy and artistic life to be completely recorded. His rich life stories form cultural value, become a reference model for future generations of young people’s life practice and creation of a wonderful life, and then be endless and lasting impact."
起訖頁 98-113
關鍵詞 高齡社會敘說分析文化價值Aged societyStorytellingCultural value
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 202112 (9:2期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 探討餐旅業員工人格特質、自我效能與知識藏私之研究──兼論信任之影響
該期刊-下一篇 COVID-19影響下知覺旅遊風險,對出國旅遊意圖之衝擊──以台灣為例




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