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On the Lingual Practice and the Translation dilemma in Xiaolu Guo's A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers and its Chinese Translations
作者 林文心
中國作家郭小梅於2007年出版英語作品A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers,本書以英文寫成,卻因為大量的錯誤文法導致敘事破碎,究其原因,則是來自中文對英文的干擾。換言之,在語言的層次上,便展現跨語際的困境。隨後,中國與台灣的出版社相繼將本書譯為中文,當譯者們面對本書語言上的不穩定,兩間出版社選擇了同一翻譯策略:以流暢的中文翻譯破碎的英文,並在每頁讓原文與譯文並置,製造出雙語現象。本書描繪出主體意圖從中文移動到英文的情境,然當華語世界選此翻譯策略時,便暗示著文本將無法脫離英文,而中文不過是種補充。於是,本書與華文文學的關係,正是對離散論述的挑戰:藉由語言,其展現出一種「正在跨度」的情境,從主體到他者之間的距離是本書透過語言所體現的隱喻。故本文將從文化翻譯的角度切入,藉由分析本書語言的混生,以及被翻譯成中文時所遇見的障礙,以論證出本書介於兩種語言、國族、文化間的特殊位置。
The Chinese writer Xiaolu Guo published her English work, A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers, in 2007. The book is about a Chinese woman went to London alone, where she met a local man and fell in love with him. Despite it’s an English novel, the text was full of grammar mistakes that made the narrative broken. This phenomenon was due to the interferences from Chinese to English. In other words, on the level of the context language, this book has showed the dilemma of translingual practice. Few years later, two publishers of Taiwan and China has translated this book into Chinese. However, when the Chinese translator faced the instabilities of the language, two publishers has chosen the same translated strategy: they translated the broken English into the fluent Chinese, then placed the original context next to the Chinese translation in each pages, which make the Chinese translation a bilingual context. A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers showed the situation when a subject was trying to move from Chinese to English. Yet, while choosing the same translated strategy, Chinese world seemed to imply that this text could never be separated from English, and the translation could only be the supplement. The relation of this book and Chinese literature would be a challenge to the diaspora discourse. By means of the Chinese and English languages, the books showed a ''stepping'' period. Also, the distance of the subject and others was the metaphor of oneself and language. Therefore, I try to analysis the blending language in A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers and its Chinese translations in the perspective of cultural translation. Also, I discuss the dilemma that appeared when the text was being translated into Chinese, to prove the special place between two languages, nations and cultures in this book.
起訖頁 389-423
關鍵詞 郭小櫓戀人版中英辭典翻譯文學華文文學Xiaolu GuoA Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Loverstranslated literatureChinese literature
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202106 (39期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 人性之善:從《聊齋‧王六郎》的敘事結構析論其道德倫理觀
該期刊-下一篇 作家之眼與日常之舌──論張愛玲散文中的飲食書寫




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