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The Goodness of Human Nature:A Moral Ethics Analyzation According to Narrative Structure of''Wang Liu Lang''of''Liaozhai Zhiyi''
作者 陳平瑋
'Wang liu lang'' (''The fisherman and his friend'') is related to ''drowning''. This story described that the water ghost helped the drowning people, creating conflicts and disputes. It was conflicting that the evil spirit did a good deed. This plot presented the binary opposition between good and evil and the underlying moral ethics of the story. Based on the method of narratology, in this essay, I will discuss the disputing plot according to the ''actantial model'' by Algirdas Julien Greimas. I will analyze the conflicting plot that the evil spirit helped the drowning people but gave up the chance of resurrection in order to describe the core value about moral ethics of this story. I will also apply the ''semantic square'' to analyze the moral ethics based on the binary opposition and the value of good deed. To sum up, I will analyze the structure and moral of this story by narratology in order to discuss the moral ethics described by ''Wang liu lang''.
起訖頁 349-388
關鍵詞 王六郎仁義敘事深層結構格雷馬斯Wang liu langBenevolence and righteousnessDeep narrative structureAlgirdas Julien Greimas
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202106 (39期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 歐陽脩〈峴山亭記〉意旨辨析──兼談唐宋時期的峴山書寫
該期刊-下一篇 論郭小櫓《戀人版中英辭典》及其中譯之語際實驗與翻譯困境




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