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Dying for Father and Repaying Mother were Both Attained: On Xia Wanchun's View of Life and Death In''The Letter for Mother in Prison''
作者 蔡淑閔
Xia Wanchun was born in the era of ''Heaven and earth fall apart'' in the late Ming and early Qing. This article is based on his ''The Letter for Mother in Prison'' and referred to his other poems. It is divided into two sections: ''the value of life'' and ''the meaning of death''. We discuss how he settled his life in the dilemma of life and death, and where loyalty and filial piety cannot attain both. In the first section, restoring the Ming Dynasty and continuing to write historical materials of the Southern Ming Dynasty were the legacy of his father Xia Yunyi. He inherited his father’s will but prevented him from fulfilling his family responsibilities. On the surface, ''Dying for father''and ''repaying mother'' seemed to be in conflict. But for him, they were the same. It can make the living be honored, the dead be comforted. In the process of fighting against Qing, because of the rebellion's steadily retreating, he still felt that his life was untimely and like a dream. In the second section, ''die well'' was his ideal. Although the great cause of restoring the country had not been achieved, the spirit of him and his father will last forever. Therefore, when facing death, although he was reluctant to bear his family, but he still went to death without regret. From him, we can see a typical Confucian view of life and death that ''die for a just cause.''
起訖頁 73-103
關鍵詞 獄中上母書忠孝兩全生死觀夏完淳The Letter for Mother in Prisonloyalty and filial pietyview of life and deathXia Wanchun
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202106 (39期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 元雜劇中「駕」之使用與演變
該期刊-下一篇 晚清小說的博覽會想像




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