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Imagination of Exposition in Fiction from the Late Qing Dynasty
作者 陳室如
Exposition, which systematically displays items and publicizes the achievements of civilization in a limited space and time, was imagined as a symbol of prosperity and strength of new China in the future by the novelists of the late Qing dynasty. Liang Qichao’s the Future of New China (1902), Wu Jianren’s New Story of Stone (1905), and Lu Shie’s New China (1910) all described different forms of exposition, highlighting the strength of new China in the future. The exposition scenes in those three novels are set in the colonized city of Shanghai. Although the concrete nature of exposition is diluted in the novels, the international leadership status of welcoming numerous nations and the expectation for economic prosperity are extremely clear-cut; all of them adopt a future perfect narrative. The time of the exposition seems clear, but its authentic meaning is lost in the dream techniques and traditional comparison. In The Roar of the Lion by Richard Toye and The World of Electricity, the image of the exposition combines the park, museum, memorial, library, and other places, and extends disparate forms. However, the imagination, which is based on the reality, is still illusory.
起訖頁 105-141
關鍵詞 博覽會《新中國》晚清小說《新石頭記》《新中國未來記》ExpositionLate Qing DynastyNew ChinaNew Story of Stonethe Future of New China
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202106 (39期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 殉父報母兩相全──論夏完淳〈獄中上母書〉的生死觀
該期刊-下一篇 結合AI語音評測的聊天機器人,於華語語音教學成效之探究──以《學華語向前走》K1入門冊為對象




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