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The Usage and Evolution of ''Jia'' in Yuan Zaju
作者 陳富容
The life of an emperor always has the prosperity and thrills that common people can't reach. Therefore, it is the character whom wrote not only in the official history, but also in the unofficial history and fiction. It is also the protagonist on the stage. In Yuan Zaju, there are many plays that related to emperors. In Yuan Zaju, the role of emperor is generally indicated by ''Jia''. The role of ''Jia'' is used to instruct the performance. There are different usages in the three stages of Yuan Zaju versions. These three versions are the Yuan Dynasty publication, the Ming Dynasty court edition, and the ''Yuan Qu Xuan''. This not only reflects the concept of role system in different periods, but also highlights the reality of performance and existence of imperial operas in Yuan and Ming dynasties. Among the earliest Yuan Dynasty publication, nearly half of the scripts have a record of ''Jia''. However, in the court edition of the Ming Dynasty and the ''Yuan Qu Xuan'', the appearance of ''Jia'' has been greatly reduced. Moreover, the original script that used ''Jia'' to perform has been lost, and many scripts have deleted the plot of ''Jia''. Some of the methods used are to directly delete the scene and replace it with dialogue, or order some officials to read the imperial decree instead. Or just choose the story before that person becomes the emperor. These practices should be directly related to the Ming Dynasty’s prohibition on dramas.
起訖頁 35-71
關鍵詞 元雜劇駕頭雜劇帝王戲Yuan ZajuJia tou Zajuimperial operaJia
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202106 (39期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 廣東省大埔縣東南部,客家方言小稱詞調查研究
該期刊-下一篇 殉父報母兩相全──論夏完淳〈獄中上母書〉的生死觀




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