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A Survey of the Diminutives in Hakka Dialects in South-Eastern Dapu County, Guangdong
作者 鄭明中 (Ming-Chung Cheng)
This study targeted at the investigation of the diminutives in the Hakka dialects in Baihou, Pingyuan, Fenglang, Shuangxi, Dadong and Yanshang in south-eastern Dapu County, Guangdong. The word list used for the fieldwork survey included 152 common monosyllables. Two speech informants in each Hakka dialect joined this study. They were asked to read the citation tones and the diminutives in their dialects. The results were stated in the following. First, all diminutives in these Hakka varieties were created by attaching diminutive suffixes [tə55] or [tə] to monosyllabic stems. Second, for Baihou and Yanshang, the [tə55] suffix appeared after the stems carrying Yinru tones in Baihou Hakka; yet, a neutral-tone diminutive suffix [tə] occurred elsewhere. Third, the situation that stems with Yinru behave differently from those with other citation tones in terms of diminutive suffixes is observable in Huliao Hakka, too. For this sake, it is reasonable to classify Huliao and Baihou into the same dialect group. Finally, this study proposed the developmental stages of diminutive suffixes in Dapu Hakka dialects ([tə55]→[(t)ə55/31]→[(t)ə31]), and offered a new analytic perspective for the origin and formation of diminutive tones in Dongshi Hakka.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 客家話小稱詞綴大埔東勢HakkadiminutivesuffixDapuDongshi
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202106 (39期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-下一篇 元雜劇中「駕」之使用與演變




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