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Reminiscence of Past Dynasties: The Description of the Chen and Sui Dynasties in Tang-dynasty Short Stories Dugu Mu and Yan Jun
作者 鄭博元
In Tang-dynasty short stories Dugu Mu and Yan Jun, the protagonists, who were Tang dynasty characters, visited the other world and encountered historical characters from the Chen or Sui dynasties, with whom they feasted and composed poems together. Previous studies on these stories have mostly focused on verifying the credibility of story details or the effects of their narrative modes; few have taken into consideration the collective memory of the Tang-dynasty people on past dynasties. The present study analyzed the contexts of the narration and poems of these stories, and compared them with historical records, to identify the intentions of their authors. In short, these authors summoned ghosts of the past in an attempt to revive memories of former dynasties that no more existed, and their writings reflected Tang people’s imagination and criticism of past dynasties. This study examined the stories’character settings and the circumstances the characters encountered each other, to analyze the authors’research on Chen or Sui dynasty characters and the inspirations they received from such characters. In addition, this paper observed how these Tang authors applied historical references and expressed their imagination of the Chen and Sui Dynasties in poetry and narrative. Through the implied criticisms against the past and contradictions between the characters, the late Tang authors not only presented the dilemma of the patriotism, but also implicated their political self-identification and concerns during the dynastic shifting times.
起訖頁 241-274
關鍵詞 獨孤穆顏濬亡靈唐代小說陳隋Dugu MuYan Junghosts of the pastTang fictionChen-Sui
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202012 (38期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 大盂鼎銘文「敬雍德經敏」新斷讀
該期刊-下一篇 心境與詞風之變化:再談東坡黃州初期詞




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