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A New Punctuation and Translation of the DaYuDing inscription
作者 謝博霖
DaYuDing was an important bronze in the early Western Zhou Dynasty which was discussed very much in the past. There is a sentence on this inscription: ''Order you to assist Rong, Jing Yong De Jjing, and make a diligent statement from morning to night, respectfully engaged in business.'' In the past, it was almost considered ''Jing Yong De Jjing'' to be a meaningful sentence in the paragraph. This argument was presented in early research, and then different opinions were rare in the field. This article points out that this citation in the inscription of DaYuDing is feasible for re-sentence translation for three reasons. First of all, based on the language habits of the bronze inscriptions and the recently appeared bronze inscriptions, this article explains the basis for re-sentence translation and changes it to ''Jing Yong De Jjing min''. For example, The whole sentence means: Now I command you to assist Rong, respectfully obey the rules of morality, execute strategies, and make propositions from morning to night, respectfully engage in official business, and respect the majesty of God. Secondly, the current mainstream discourse regards ''De Jjing'' upside down as ''Jjing De''. This statement lacks corpus evidence of the same period, as does ''Jing Yong''. Lastly, some old saying believed that ''Jing Yong De Jjing'' should be kept as it is, and ''Jjing'' should be understood as ''the moral norm''. This statement also lacks evidence of contemporary language habits. In conclusion, the re-sentence translation of the inscription is practicable.
起訖頁 203-240
關鍵詞 大盂鼎詞例西周青銅器銘文DaYuDinglanguage habitsWestern Zhouthe bronze inscriptions
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202012 (38期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 辨體與通義──論劉咸炘「明統知類」校讎法
該期刊-下一篇 追憶前朝:唐小說〈獨孤穆〉、〈顏濬〉的陳隋書寫




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