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Sorting the Corpora and Arriving at Meaning -- A Discussion of Liu Xianxin’s''Mingtong zhilei''Method of Proofreading
作者 林書漢
Liu Xianxin’s scholarly erudition was both broad and profound, extending across the four traditional branches of Chinese literature: the Classics, the Histories, the Philosophers, and the Literary Collections. Aiming towards the task of classifying and organizing bodies of ancient text, Liu did a great deal of research in the areas of proofreading and bibliography. The following study aims to analyze Liu’s theory of proofreading, particularly his use of ''Mingtong zhilei'' (Illuminating systems and knowing categories), a method created on the basis of Zhang Xuecheng’s ''knowing categories.'' This paper approaches its subject matter in layers, gradually moving from surface stratum to deeper levels. First, I will clarify the properties of the theory of ''illuminating systems and knowing categories.'' Using this theory, how was Liu Xianxin able to distinguish and sort the seperated categories of text corpora (ti)? Next, what elements of Zhang Xuecheng’s proofreading methodology did Liu Xianxin absorb into his own work? What changes and improvements did he make? Finally, how was Liu Xianxin able to use proofreading as a method for‘arriving’(tong) at the meaning of ancient texts? Moreover, what was Liu referring to specifically when he used the word ''meaning'' (yi). I addressed these multifarious issues one by one, painstakingly working to bring forth Liu Xianxin’s unique values and his theory of proofreading. The status of Liu’s work as the foundational starting point for scholarship on proofreading methodology, as well as Liu’s influential role in the historical pursuit of knowledge, would all be reflected in the contents of this paper. The aforementioned topics are the main purposes of this study.
起訖頁 167-201
關鍵詞 劉咸炘校讎章學誠明統知類Liu XianxinProofreadingZhang XuechengMingtong zhilei
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202012 (38期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 精整而有氣機──論夢窗詞對偶之運用
該期刊-下一篇 大盂鼎銘文「敬雍德經敏」新斷讀




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