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Analysis of the emotion of spring in Chia-Hsuan Tsz on praising spring: focusing on the writing technique and the lyrical qualities
作者 趙唯淨
This essay focuses on the writing technique and the lyrical qualities of Hsin Ch’i-Chi(辛棄疾,1140-1207)’s Tsz on praising spring. Hsin Ch’i-Chi’s Tsz on praising spring has a greatly different spiritual style from that of traditional Tsz that praises spring. This reflects the overall characteristics of Chia-Hsuan Tsz. However, how he achieves this style has room for discussion. The project attempts to analyze how Hsin Ch’i-Chi wrote the emotion of spring and the lyrical qualities conveyed by this writing technique in his Tsz on praising spring. Objectification writing of the spring Tsz emphasizes the division between humans and spring, thereby highlighting the pain caused by time. Otherwise, his superimposed writing of emotion and landscapes creates melancholic lyrical qualities. Chia-Hsuan Tsz on praising spring incorporates this melancholy into graceful emotions of spring. This allows the emotions of spring to connect and reflect Hsin Ch’i-Chi’s emotional attitude and intension on life. Moreover, this enables rigidity and softness to be integrated, thereby exhibiting the lyrical styles of Chia-Hsuan Tsz.
起訖頁 163-185
關鍵詞 稼軒詠春詞春情層疊Hsin Chia-HsuanTsz on praising springsuperimposed writing
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202006 (37期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 初心、尋索與記憶:論楊牧《奇萊後書》的主題表現與詩學理論
該期刊-下一篇 北宋詩人筆下的安史之亂




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