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The Opinions of An Shi Zhi Luan through Historical Odes in Northern Song Dynasty
作者 謝定紘
An Shi Zhi Luan(安史之亂)was a rebellion caused by AN, LU-SHAN(安祿山)and SHI, SI-MING(史思明), which led to the deterioration of Tang Dynasty. This paper will explore the opinions of An Shi Zhi Luan in Northern Song poetry. I will investigate this issue from two perspectives, including the causes that led to the chaos and the loyal chancellors facing the renegades. In the former part, I found that most of the Northern Song poets considered neither YANG, YU-HUAN(楊玉環)nor LI, LIN-FU(李林甫)and YANG, GUO-ZHONG(楊國忠)to be the causes of the chaos. By contrast, the poets usually believed that Emperor XUAN-ZHONG(唐玄宗)had to take responsibility for the chaos. Furthermore, XUAN-ZHONG even became a target blamed severely in Northern Song poetry. In the latter part, an important discovery was that few poets praised GUO, ZI-YI(郭子儀), who was one of the most important generals in Tang Dynasty. Instead, most of them regarded ZHANG, XUN(張巡)and XU, YUAN(許遠)as real heroes, because those two were brave and loyal enough to sacrifice their life when fighting against enemies. Through the discussions above, I claim that most of the Northern Song poets blamed XUAN-ZHONG for An Shi Zhi Luan; in other words, they didn't agree with historians who attributed the fall of kingdoms to femme fatale. Additionally, in Northern Song poets' opinions, the moral principle of the chancellors were undoubtedly much more important than outstanding military service of the generals.
起訖頁 187-220
關鍵詞 北宋詩安史之亂唐玄宗張巡詠史詩楊貴妃顏真卿the Northern Song poetryhistorical odesAn Shi Zhi LuanEmperor XUAN-ZHONGYANG YU-HUANZHANG XUNYAN ZHEN-QING
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202006 (37期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 稼軒詠春詞的春情淺探──以抒情筆法和特質為中心




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