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Concept of Essence in Zhu Xi's Philosophy: the Different Interpretation of Mou Zong-shan's and Lao Sze-kwang's with Reference to Korean Confucians' Debates
作者 呂政倚
'Essence'' is a critical concept in Aristotle's philosophy. It is important to ask whether it was employed Zhu Xi's philosophy--in his elaboration of the issue ''the difference between the human nature and the thing's nature.'' As for this question, contemporary scholar Lao Sze-kwang and Mou Zong-shan reached opposite conclusions. Lao Sze-kwang confirmed that Zhu Xi had the concept of essence in his theory; whereas Mou Zong-shan denied that Zhu had it, and Mou's remark caused some criticism. By clarifying their arguments about the Zhu Xi's ''death matters have nature', the author argues that Mou's interpretation is more persuasive than Lao's. Furthermore, the author employs the Korean Confucians' debates on ''the difference of the human nature and the thing's nature'' as reference, and shows that there is no room for the concept of essence in Zhu Xi's theory of Li-Qi. The paper concludes that only in the field of epistemology, Zhu Xi's concept of essence has its independent meaning and reasonableness.
起訖頁 155-197
關鍵詞 牟宗三勞思光本然之性氣質之性本質Mou Zong-shanLao Sze-kwangOriginal NaturePhysical NatureEssence
刊名 思與言  
期數 202103 (59:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 東亞語境與內證體驗中的近代性構築與批判:蔣維喬與岡田式靜坐法
該期刊-下一篇 論鍾惺「以情解詩」的《詩經》評點及其詮釋問題




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